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Is it just me...
quote:Originally posted by Xenoran:
Needle Dick? Fucktard? This is clearly futile... goodbye!
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And so he leaves without actually proving anything, and without actually defending his pov in a sensible manner just because someone calls him a fucktard .... lol .... fucktard isn't even a word ffs
Your user manual should state "lightly inflammable, please handle with care"
sticks and stones ....
Oh, don't get your panties in a knot! Are you so insecure that you can't handle a bit of name calling? At least I wasn't bragging about how good your mom was last night (I've had better by the way). Want me to make it up to you? You obviously have some form of intelligence since you can type gramatically correct English. Does that make you feel any better, Shitface?
Yes, you have a right to your own opinion . . . but so do I. What do you expect when you come to a site called "fuckmicrosoft.com", a site devoted to Microsoft alternatives, and talk about how good Microsoft is? I hope you weren't expecting to find support and sympathy . . . 'cause if you were, then I'll have to retract my previous statement about you having some form of intellegince.
So why don't you just go back to your goats (or whatever else it is you like to fuck) and leave me to hate Microsoft in peace. Oh, and tell Billy boy "Hi," for me next time you go to suck his dick . . gutter slut.
quote:Originally posted by Gonusto:
Microsoft has no respect for the customer. The customer in Bill Gate's eyes is just another tool to be used and manipulated for his own gain. And how does he do it? Through the software. Between hidden files and your own computer sending reports back on you and your habits (just to name a few things), you loose all sense of privacy when using Windows. And XP is the worst (until .NET comes out that is)!!! Don't believe me, Needle Dick? Just read this. (I realize that a lot of people who visit this site don't live in the United States. But believe me, that doesn't make you or your information any less the safe).
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WOW! Thanks for the link to that site! I guess I have to "come out of the closet" and show my "true colors" here - tinfoil! (As in, wearing a tin foil hat to prevent mindreading/brainwashing by the gov't/illuminati/whatever.)
So, call me conspiracy theorist... but I can't help but wonder if there's more to it than just Gate's gain... Why did the gov't back down so quickly on the breakup? (Other than the fact that the people now in charge think that anti-trust laws are just a sneaky way to keep good, decent hardworking multi-millionaire monopolists from taking ALL the money).
They had Microsoft on the ropes... could have gotten all kinds of concessions, yet, they didn't as for anything in return for backing down - that is, nothing that we know about. But suddenly we start hearing about Carnivore and "Magic Lantern," and the ironically named USA PATRIOT Act gets passed. You know, the one that allows the FBI and the CIA to "sneak and peek" on your computer without having to show even an unreasonable suspicion, let alone a reasonable one - all with a laughable degree of judicial oversight: Basically they go to a judge and sign this, and the judge is required to sign it on their "say so" that it concerns possible threats to national security. But, they aren't required to show the judge why they think there might be a possible threat to national security because... well, showing that information might be a threat to national security, doncha know.
Sure, Microsoft is collecting info on your surfing and stuff for their own database, but who's to say who ELSE is going to get that info?
What deals were made, hmmmmmm? Just askin'.
Not Registered, i wish you could get over your fear of naughty language.
I reckon that the leaflets could still be advertising, as this is the heart and soul of free enterprise, but forcing something on someone that they didn't ask for, that they are paying hundreds of bucks for is not on.
Plus, if windows can't even run simple programs (which it can't even you say so yrself), how is it worth all that money or even any money in the first place?
PS, nobody here is a fucktard in my opinion, it's just a funny word! can't we have a little bit of humour without people leaving in droves? it's not as if i'm starting an unjustified war against Afghanistan for example! ;)
Calum, I thought you were smarter than that, guess not.
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