Originally posted by average user:
HMMMMMM.. I think you just proved my point Calum. Pro choice.. you bet!! If someone comes on here to defend microsoft, their choice.
yup, i choose to call them immature names! free choice all round!
I did read the title of the site "fuckmicrosoft" but as hard as I look, nowhere can I find "praise linux" or any other OS.
??? you mean on the site? or do you mean another unrelated site should be set up with that name?
IF it is pro choice as you say, why am I a dickhead because I may dissagree with you?
firstly i said you were a fucktard, not a dickhead. secondly, it has nothing to do with whether i agree with you, i just think that people who automatically dismiss someone's words just because they call somebody names is in itself immature and puerile.
Is this a pro choice site or a LINUX soap box site? As far as the comparisons to organized religion.. look around at the postings.
verily verily I say unto you.. Stay not from the rightous path of Linux for there are many tempations. Resist the lures of "BILLZEBUB" or suffer the wrath of the rightous.. Keep thy thoughts free source and thy eye on the penguin.
well at least you have a sense of humour unlike some of the moral vote posters we've had here...
You are absolutely correct.. PRO CHOICE that means if someone dissagrees with you, they are not automatically less intellegent, they are not automatically a "dickhead" "needledick" or whatever childish name you want to use.
again i say, i didn't call you a dickhead, and i didn't call anybody a needledick! Still, i will stand up for anybody's right to do so.
Education does not denote Intellegence.....
again, it seems we agree completely on this one, so why are we even arguing?
LROFLMAO Never fear.. Im chilled out.. I simply love to bug Calum
What did i ever do to you? i don't think i even heard of you till this week!
because he leaves himself so open to it...
i do what? it's not as if i give a shit what people say in response to my oft times overheated posts!
Some take this whole OS thing far too seriously. I think that is the point I somewhat sarcastically make sometimes.
yes they do, don't they. Those people are often M$ fanatics. at least most of the linux people here have had a chance to think through their reasons for using linux, the windows users tend to just take what M$ gives them and like it. Also, you may notice again that this is a forum that, by virtue of it's very motivation for existence will attract people who take their OS seriously, and also people who like linux, amongst other OSs (most equally as good as linux, and none as bad as windows.)
Nothing personal against anyone on here..
the feeling's mutual, although i'm confused by your approach. Myself i tend to have a habit of posting insults toward anybody who starts coming to the forums and preaching, or even just talking shit, and it's got nothing to do with their choice of software. if they talk shit, i will insult them. the words 'kitchen' and 'heat' spring readily to mind. anyway, funs over for today.. got to go to work.