Author Topic: Is it just me...  (Read 6127 times)


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Is it just me...
« Reply #60 on: 5 April 2002, 00:26 »
HMMMMMM.. I think you just proved my point Calum.  Pro choice.. you bet!!  If someone comes on here to defend microsoft, their choice. I did read the title of the site "fuckmicrosoft" but as hard as I look, nowhere can I find "praise linux" or any other OS.  IF it is pro choice as you say, why am I a dickhead because I may dissagree with you? Is this a pro choice site or a LINUX soap box site?  As far as the comparisons to organized religion.. look around at the postings.  
verily verily I say unto you.. Stay not from the rightous path of Linux for there are many tempations. Resist the lures of "BILLZEBUB" or suffer the wrath of the rightous.. Keep thy thoughts free source and thy eye on the penguin.
You are absolutely correct.. PRO CHOICE that means if someone dissagrees with you, they are not automatically less intellegent, they are not automatically a "dickhead" "needledick" or whatever childish name you want to use.  Education does not denote Intellegence.....


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« Reply #61 on: 5 April 2002, 01:40 »
What the heck is your beef avarge user?

You can stand on a soap box too, in fact your prolly standing on one now.

If you like Windows be like Zombie6464684867 and extol it's virtues in the face of other OS's. You'll get flames, and youll get more well thought out remarks etc.

In the Mac forum I extol the virtues of MacOS and suffer thrugh idiotic comments as simple as "Mac's suck fagget" and more intelectual debates on the merits of various chip architectures versus the G4.

So whatever. If you don't like a particular thread, find another one or start your own. There are people who have made legit arguments in favor of windows who have not sufferd a barage of insults and actualy stird up some interesting discusion.

So chill the fuck out, sit back, relax, and read thrugh the stuff on the forum. Jeez... for someone with a 4 star rating you sure act like you have been pissed on.

[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #62 on: 5 April 2002, 02:27 »
LROFLMAO  Never fear.. Im chilled out.. I simply love to bug Calum because he leaves himself so open to it...Some take this whole OS thing far too seriously.  I think that is the point I somewhat sarcastically make sometimes.  Nothing personal against anyone on here..anyway, funs over for today.. got to go to work.


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« Reply #63 on: 5 April 2002, 14:07 »
Actually, there is nothing that gets this forum going better than some "poor ignorant windows user" coming in and defending his OS. It would be pretty boring if all the forum consisted of is constant bitching about MS and big bad bill and his OS.  I enjoy reading the arguements and find it amusing when the "hard cores" get real riled up. Hell I promote it myself.  That, to me, is what makes the forum fun, and keeps me coming back to it. Notice all the postings when someone like that comes in! Also notice the lengthy periods of inactivity when there is no "fiery" discussion going on.  Everything negative about Microsoft that can be said has been said at one time or another on here, I have read most of the posts.  Some of it is factual and has substance and some of it is plain bullshit, but that also promotes continuous activity on the forum because someone is bound to come in and say "thats bullshit"  and "away we go!!"  If I piss some of the people off here with my comments, good.. Better than watching re=runs of Barney Miller...


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Is it just me...
« Reply #64 on: 5 April 2002, 14:16 »
Originally posted by average user:
HMMMMMM.. I think you just proved my point Calum.  Pro choice.. you bet!!  If someone comes on here to defend microsoft, their choice.
yup, i choose to call them immature names! free choice all round!  ;)  
I did read the title of the site "fuckmicrosoft" but as hard as I look, nowhere can I find "praise linux" or any other OS.  
??? you mean on the site? or do you mean another unrelated site should be set up with that name?
IF it is pro choice as you say, why am I a dickhead because I may dissagree with you?
firstly i said you were a fucktard, not a dickhead. secondly, it has nothing to do with whether i agree with you, i just think that people who automatically dismiss someone's words just because they call somebody names is in itself immature and puerile.
Is this a pro choice site or a LINUX soap box site?  As far as the comparisons to organized religion.. look around at the postings.  
verily verily I say unto you.. Stay not from the rightous path of Linux for there are many tempations. Resist the lures of "BILLZEBUB" or suffer the wrath of the rightous.. Keep thy thoughts free source and thy eye on the penguin.
well at least you have a sense of humour unlike some of the moral vote posters we've had here...

You are absolutely correct.. PRO CHOICE that means if someone dissagrees with you, they are not automatically less intellegent, they are not automatically a "dickhead" "needledick" or whatever childish name you want to use.  
again i say, i didn't call you a dickhead, and i didn't call anybody a needledick! Still, i will stand up for anybody's right to do so.
Education does not denote Intellegence.....
again, it seems we agree completely on this one, so why are we even arguing?

LROFLMAO  Never fear.. Im chilled out.. I simply love to bug Calum
What did i ever do to you? i don't think i even heard of you till this week!
because he leaves himself so open to it...
i do what? it's not as if i give a shit what people say in response to my oft times overheated posts!
Some take this whole OS thing far too seriously. I think that is the point I somewhat sarcastically make sometimes.  
yes they do, don't they. Those people are often M$ fanatics. at least most of the linux people here have had a chance to think through their reasons for using linux, the windows users tend to just take what M$ gives them and like it. Also, you may notice again that this is a forum that, by virtue of it's very motivation for existence will attract people who take their OS seriously, and also people who like linux, amongst other OSs (most equally as good as linux, and none as bad as windows.)  
Nothing personal against anyone on here..
the feeling's mutual, although i'm confused by your approach. Myself i tend to have a habit of posting insults toward anybody who starts coming to the forums and preaching, or even just talking shit, and it's got nothing to do with their choice of software. if they talk shit, i will insult them. the words 'kitchen' and 'heat' spring readily to mind. anyway, funs over for today.. got to go to work.  :D
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« Reply #65 on: 5 April 2002, 20:03 »
Yup,  I do have a sense of humor and I too dont give a shit who calls me whatever silly name. I fully realize that it is meaningless.  
Actually, there is a site similer to "praise linux" it is actually called "linux sucks" where you can either post a comment either for or against. Some of the postings on there are hilarious. It is true that some may become offended by the name calling, for instance "NOT REGISTERED"  He did, you have to admit, put up some reasonable arguements, but started off leaving himself wide open by insulting the intellegence of the forum members.  I also agree that if someone cant stand the heat "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING KITCHEN".  I dont know enough about linux yet to really put forth VALID arguements either for or against.  I learn a lot simply watching.  I cant help but dig at some of the more PIOUS comments, because of its similarity to some of the narrow minded bigotry involved in some organized religion.
We are not that far apart on our ideas, you are obviosly more knowledgable about all aspects of Linux than I and I certainly have nothing against you. So call me what you will and I will probably respond accordingly.  I personally find it kind of fun.
By the way. When I do ask a serious question on here, you give a good, informative answer. I certainly appreciate that.  No hard feelings.


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« Reply #66 on: 5 April 2002, 22:01 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Very cute. I see that the administrator of this forum has the mind of a child since he likes to edit peoples' posts to say shit that was never said. I now realize why you all are die hard linux fans. It is because you are all little kids and you can't afford to buy an OS, so you have to download a free one.

I paid $30 for RedHat 7.2 bitch


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Is it just me...
« Reply #67 on: 5 April 2002, 22:09 »
Originally posted by average user:
HMMMMMM.. I think you just proved my point Calum.  Pro choice.. you bet!!  If someone comes on here to defend microsoft, their choice. I did read the title of the site "fuckmicrosoft" but as hard as I look, nowhere can I find "praise linux" or any other OS.  IF it is pro choice as you say, why am I a dickhead because I may dissagree with you? Is this a pro choice site or a LINUX soap box site?  As far as the comparisons to organized religion.. look around at the postings.  
verily verily I say unto you.. Stay not from the rightous path of Linux for there are many tempations. Resist the lures of "BILLZEBUB" or suffer the wrath of the rightous.. Keep thy thoughts free source and thy eye on the penguin.
You are absolutely correct.. PRO CHOICE that means if someone dissagrees with you, they are not automatically less intellegent, they are not automatically a "dickhead" "needledick" or whatever childish name you want to use.  Education does not denote Intellegence.....

Only one very bored, sad motherfucker would defend Microsoft. Some people have lost the plot.
Go get linux.... Just try it ill bet you you'll love it in the end.


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« Reply #68 on: 6 April 2002, 00:19 »
Originally posted by average user:
Yup,  I do have a sense of humor and I too dont give a shit who calls me whatever silly name. I fully realize that it is meaningless.  
Actually, there is a site similer to "praise linux" it is actually called "linux sucks" where you can either post a comment either for or against. Some of the postings on there are hilarious. It is true that some may become offended by the name calling, for instance "NOT REGISTERED"  He did, you have to admit, put up some reasonable arguements, but started off leaving himself wide open by insulting the intellegence of the forum members.  I also agree that if someone cant stand the heat "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING KITCHEN".  I dont know enough about linux yet to really put forth VALID arguements either for or against.  I learn a lot simply watching.  I cant help but dig at some of the more PIOUS comments, because of its similarity to some of the narrow minded bigotry involved in some organized religion.
We are not that far apart on our ideas, you are obviosly more knowledgable about all aspects of Linux than I and I certainly have nothing against you. So call me what you will and I will probably respond accordingly.  I personally find it kind of fun.
By the way. When I do ask a serious question on here, you give a good, informative answer. I certainly appreciate that.  No hard feelings.

top cool!  :D  i find it fun too, and i knew nothing about linux till not that long ago, try it btw! you can dual boot and still use whatever you use now, and it won't cost you a thing! then you too can post informative answers about linux and be cool like me (sarcastic and jovial, no insult intended!)
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« Reply #69 on: 6 April 2002, 00:54 »
Actually, I am running Linux.. Mandrake 8.1 and have also ordered the box version of Lycoris to see what it is like. One good point about linux is that I can try something like 6 or 7 distros of it for the same price as someone would pay for a boxed version of windows xp.  I got my xp off ebay so I never paid anywhere near retail for it.
I think I said somewhere on here earlier that for the first week or so, I was using Knome and having a hell of a time. I switched to KDE with much better results.  I am an old guy.  I wasnt born into the computer age like many of you. I never even got a computer until 3 years ago. I used dedicated programs at work and thats it.  My wife wont even try linux after seeing me try to get it to work, she will stick with xp.  Unfortunatly for linux, a lot of people not only think, but find that linux is too hard for them to use.  I guess i sort of get my hackles up by being called a retard ect, by some because I dont have the IT background or the time to delve into the inner workings of linux.  I suppose if I did, I may become just as enthusiastic as most posters on here.  I really dont believe, from a laymans veiwpoint, linux is really ready to be released to the public.  I know a lot of you think it is, but I think you are so advanced into it that it is hard to comprehend that most of the population is basically computer illiterate.  Bill Gates certainly realizes that.  Im looking forward to trying LYCORIS and see if it is as user friendly as they claim.  I can hear the swearing allready.. Its not REAL linux.  But REAL linux will continue to exist. LYCORIS is not meant to replace REDHAT or any other distro. It cant. Its impossible.


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« Reply #70 on: 6 April 2002, 03:48 »
Let me clear some things up

I'm sorry about calling novice users itots.  I mearly said it because of tearms like "idot proof".  And in no way did I mean that they were idots in other aspects of their life.  I just ment that they did not know as much about compuers as we all do.  Sort of like an English major might call a computer programmer an idot if he said "She and me went to the local diner for our date."  Een if he can run circles around her in c++.

Originally posted by psyjax:
How do you expect people to get in to the more complicated aspects of computing if they can't even use the machine to begin with.

I don't.  I was mearly saying that, IMHO, Windows is the best OS for people to learn to use the machine.  

Originally posted by psyjax:
I wasn't born a hacker, I was raised on Apple II's and Commodor 64's. Just because I only knew the standard file navigating command-line functions, and not the more detailed technocal bits, didn't religate me to the realm of idiot. ...I know asembly, I can go in and out of the GUI and can do anything I want.

I would have never gotten that far had I not had a simple starting point to get me hooked and interested. Despite all this however, I still mostly use my computer for duble clicking around, browsing the net, and doing my homework. Man I must really be a moron            .

I didn't mean to call those that know the command line and asm and always use the GUI morons;  I just ment to those that only know how to use the GUI morons.  As I said, I probally shouldn't have called anyone a moron.  As I said, I once only knew a few aspects of windows myself.  I would have been considered an idot if I had used the standards I used before.  You weren't "born a hacker", and neither was I.

Originally posted by iustitia:
And to say that the novices aren't allowed to use the computer is just not fai... well it is fair but they don't think so.  

Originally posted by psyjax, in referance to mthe previous quote:
Besides, no one should be able to dictate who and who shouldent use a computer. It's not your place.  

You're right.  I should have never said that.  It's just that I sometimes get annoyed at a conversation that might go like this:

user: Where is that file I saved?
me: What directory did you save it in?
uer Directory?  What's that?

Originally posted by psyjax:
I know plenty of Linux and UNIX people who know the OS and aren't programmers.

I'm sorry but I don't know any Linux/Unix users that don't know a lot about computers.

Originally posted by avarage user:
The average person doesnt know or even care about 95% of the stuff you [forum posters] were [are] talking about.

I think this sums up breifly why windows is on top.  Other OS' let you care, Windows does not.

Originally posted by Calum:
...why would packaging a heapload of uncoordinated proprietary bullshit with a nice new PC be GOOD for the user? If it was the norm to give "those people" the choice, when they bought the machine, there would be no confusion, not even amongst those "novice users" you so eloquently dismiss, because it would be NORMAL. It would be WHAT THEY EXPECTED. They could even choose to have SunOS, SUSELinux, Windows3.1, OS/2, whatever they wanted installed in the shop. They could pay extra and never have to install it themselves (unless it was windows, as it needs reinstalled periodically but that's another story). The important thing here is they would have the choice. They would be told their options and be able to choose. Do you really have a problem with that?

Now to us this may make perfect sence.  But the avrage user would find it a hastle to even have to bring it in to someone to install the OS.  It's like the philosophy advertized by the iMac.  Plug in the cord, plug in the phone wire, and you're on!  Novice users like that.

[ April 05, 2002: Message edited by: iustitia ]


You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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« Reply #71 on: 6 April 2002, 03:54 »
Call me an edeit for not being able to spell idiot.

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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« Reply #72 on: 6 April 2002, 04:48 »
Ok instutia, perhapse then your sentiment could be better expresed:

People who use computers and think all there is to them is the GUI and would rather take what is handed to them are at best unwise. And those users who only know a GUI and prettend to know more about computers than they actually do because they have been to timmid to so much as peek under the hood, yet they still go to forums posting crap like D00d I WaNT WaREz and i need to format My RAM and partition my video card, ya they are morons  :D .

In defence of the iMac, you can install linux on it and still be able to pull it out of the box and plug it in. No to bad a deal I reckon   .


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« Reply #73 on: 6 April 2002, 08:05 »
As i said earlyier...

If you defend microsoft you are a sad sad motherfucker.