Miscellaneous > Applications
quote:Originally posted by Aaron:
Hmm, I have cable.. I dont have a clue what a Vhost is.. explain!
--- End quote ---
Its like a domain entry...
I goes to your IP...
X11.fuckmicrosoft.com will be my
"Domain name" and hits to it will goto
"My webserver"
Master of Reality:
my vhost is gonna be chatroom.fuckmicrosoft.com
eventually i will put a chat room there.
Aaron Ni:
Ahh yes, I tried doing the Vhost for this site once.. but my IP was wrong? Apparently IP's dont have numbers above 250... mine has a 288 in it.
Errr, www.fuckmicrosoft.com and forums.fuckmicrosoft.com are on different IP's so surely they're actual hosts, not virtual hosts?
Virtual hosting would be serving several different host/domain name sites from one real server...
I assume what X11's talking about is having fuckmicrosoft.com's dns server pointing x11.fuckmicrosoft.com to his cable IP address so he can serve a web site from it, but that's not really virtual hosting.
that is what he is talking about, but isn't it what a vhost really is? because the host appears to be fuckmicrosoft.com but it actually isn't. Meaning it is virtually hosted by fuckmicrosoft.com.
I thought the vhost thing allowed the webmaster of this site to give away subdomains and people would have their own servers to use those domain names with...
Isn't that what a vhost is?
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