Author Topic: Mozilla=Fast  (Read 4653 times)


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« Reply #30 on: 25 April 2002, 19:59 » is the domain, not the host.

[www|forums] are the hosts.

Virtual hosting is supported in the HTTP/1.1 protocol where the browser sends the server the name of the host it is requesting, and the server will give out a different homepage to a client that requests "" from that which it gives out to "". This makes it look like there are two physical machines whereas there is really only one. (This assumes that DNS records for both hostnames resolve to the same IP address!)


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« Reply #31 on: 25 April 2002, 20:52 »
(dummy mode on)
oh, right...

so, and forgive me here please, does this mean that the IP address will be the same, but the actual server that those sites are on will serve up a site from a different directory purely depending on the actual domain name?

(dummy mode off)
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« Reply #32 on: 25 April 2002, 23:17 »
Not sure if you're being sarcastic there, Calum!

Assuming you are... anyway yes, except that it serves up from a different directory dependent up on the fully qualified hostname, not just the domain name.

I realise I'm being a little pedantic here, but a system whereby additional hosts are setup in DNS within the same domain, pointing to separate hosts is not really virtual hosting as such since each is a host within its own right.

If those hosts setup within the domain were all served from the same physical host, then it would be virtual hosting...


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« Reply #33 on: 26 April 2002, 02:56 »
no, no, i usually am being a bit sarcastic, but i didn't mean to imply that you were being pedantic. vhosts is one of those things that, while simple i'm sure, i find it difficult to wrap my brain around, and i bet i'm not the only one!
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« Reply #34 on: 26 April 2002, 03:16 »
Sorry! It took me a while when I first encountered them, but then I spent ages wrestling with httpd.conf to get my head round the virtual hosts configuration of Apache when I was doing my RHCE, so it kind of stuck after that.

To all intents and purposes to the casual observer there probably isn't really much appreciable difference between assigning additional physical hosts to a DNS domain and virtual hosting. That said, in the early years (well, about five years ago!) I learned most of what I know now almost exclusively through forums like this and I'm assuming there are others in a similar position now... thought it worthwhile to point out the distinction!



[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: IanC ]

Aaron Ni

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« Reply #35 on: 26 April 2002, 10:22 »
Well yeah, but what about my question?!  Is it possible for an IP address to have a number above 250?  Mine has a 288 in it, Calum can see that himself, so is it just ATT's fucked up thing or what?
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« Reply #36 on: 26 April 2002, 11:26 »
Not possible unless your provider uses IPv6 but even so the remote end would see you as IPv4 which means you have a 4 byte IP address. A byte (8 bits) has a value of 0-255 for a total of 256 possible combinations for each part. You will only see an IP address with numbers between 0 and 255. and the last number will be between 1 and 254 because 0 on the last byte would certainly be part of a "network" address (cannot be assigned as an IP address on a computer, it's a special address). And 255 on the last byte would certainly be part of a "broadcast" address (cannot be assigned as an IP address on a computer, it's also a special address).

If you see a number above 255 in your IP address then there is most certainly a flaw in the program that is looking at or logging your IP address, unless of course you have an IPv6 address which is unlikely.
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« Reply #37 on: 27 April 2002, 00:06 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
This is what Mozilla does for you.

Hell, it can't even load some pages correctly.



Mozilla is just so superior, let me tell you.     :rolleyes:    

If I really need to, I can post alot more images of where Mozilla doesn't work correctly. I swear you are retarded X11, IE doesn't send jackshit to MS's office. You are way too scared of Microsoft, LOL.

MSIE is faster at rendering JAva, Flash, etc. than Mozilla. MSIE's navigation icons look better than Mozilla's icons do. Also, notice how much smaller the IE throbber is than the Mozilla throbber?

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

i'm not sure i know what the hell you are talking about. renders perfectly using Mozilla on Red Hat 7.2, checl out my screenshot:

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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« Reply #38 on: 27 April 2002, 05:30 »
Wait wait wait, I'm wrong, it wasnt a 288, it was a 251, still that's higher than 250.

EDIT: Damn I'm missing today, it wasnt 254, it's 251! Sheesh!

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Aaron ]

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« Reply #39 on: 27 April 2002, 07:06 »
it can be over 255 if im correct???


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« Reply #40 on: 27 April 2002, 07:39 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
This is what Mozilla does for you.

Hell, it can't even load some pages correctly.



Mozilla is just so superior, let me tell you.     :rolleyes:    

If I really need to, I can post alot more images of where Mozilla doesn't work correctly. I swear you are retarded X11, IE doesn't send jackshit to MS's office. You are way too scared of Microsoft, LOL.

MSIE is faster at rendering JAva, Flash, etc. than Mozilla. MSIE's navigation icons look better than Mozilla's icons do. Also, notice how much smaller the IE throbber is than the Mozilla throbber?

[ April 20, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

I might boot into win 98, use IE till it crashes and do a screenshot.
Mozilla On
The adds and some other stuff haddn't loaded up yet

[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: X11 ]


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« Reply #41 on: 27 April 2002, 07:43 »
Originally posted by X11:
it can be over 255 if im correct???

You would be incorrect.
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« Reply #42 on: 27 April 2002, 10:17 »
whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooops, i ment it cant.


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« Reply #43 on: 27 April 2002, 10:53 »
Then you would be correct.  
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« Reply #44 on: 27 April 2002, 11:50 »
So then, 255 is the maximum IP.
Your IP (on IPv4) cant be above that because, the packet is only 32 bit and it is sliced into 8bit segments x.x.x.x 8 bit is 0-255, like 8 bit color is 256 colors, and 16 bit is (0-65536) and 32 is 5 billion, so there is a maximum of 5 billion IP addresses on the internet, so when 5/6 of the world population get online, we've got problems!!!
So there is IPv6 (How may bit addresses is that?)