All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Microsoft ships virus-infected software to Korean developers
How wude!
Microsoft proving once again its dedication to the personal security and safety of its customers. By the way XP-user, I thought you were in love with MS, why are you posting anti-MS links?
Hey XPiss lover, have you ever considered getting psychiatric help? Do the terms identity crisis or schizoid personality mean anything to you? If not, then I would seriously suggest a visit to the shrink :D . Man, you really need help :D
[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: hoojchoons ]
all those security issues are a result of ms rushing to produce software, trying to make sure it is spyware compatible
well how wude indeed
and if they weren't so damned stuck on closed source i guarentee one of the first users would have found nimda and made them a patch
i had a particular problem with:
quote: is not expected to cause any damage since it remains essentially dormant in a part of the program
--- End quote ---
maybe this is why it is all so robust
just a bunch of junk virus code lying around everywhere
what a bunch of idiots
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