Author Topic: Konqueror - the second Explorer?  (Read 1301 times)


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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« on: 2 May 2004, 23:09 »
It crashes, freezes (rarely but does) makes CPU work at 100% sometimes, and so on. Its pretty strange.

i got sometimes dialog box (allways on top)sign on all desktops, then i open link "in new window". dialog box of download appears, and it freezes and leaves square on desktop, which covers other windows. This happens sometimes.

It crashes average 1 time per day (pretty stable)

Sometimes freezes, for 30 - 60 secons (rarely but does)

Sometimes it partly crashes. one day i found that my some kind of "cookies service" dont run or smth like that, i found forums where i visited not logged in.

Sometimes it partly crashed too, i found that menu "Bookmarks" was disabled. totaly disabled (grey).. btw its fun.

And more more shit. Actualy this is not criticaly bad browser, and not comparable to Netscape of Mozzilla, (i know Konqueror uses Mozzila or smth engine, but btw i am talking about interface)

btw no normal browser for linux?


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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #1 on: 3 May 2004, 00:03 »
What's wrong with mozilla?
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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #2 on: 3 May 2004, 00:50 »
You could try Opera.


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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #3 on: 3 May 2004, 01:36 »
Yeah,  opera is best, but its commercial, and i dont find way to get rid that stupid ad-banner in free version  


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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #4 on: 3 May 2004, 02:01 »
Yeah I only like Konqueror for very light html applications.

Mozilla is good.  Galeon is essentially Mozilla with a GTK-based interface and is faster IMHO.

There is also Firebird/Firefox.

By the way, Konqueror doesnt't have anything to do with Mozilla at all (engine or otherwise).  It's based on the KHTML project.  Apple chose KHTML as the basis for it's Safari browser.

[ May 02, 2004: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #5 on: 3 May 2004, 07:39 »
Some people bash Konqueror for being too much like Windows Explorer.  But I think it's okay, I mean, it doesn't crash for me, and there aren't 100,000 security holes between the web browser and the file viewer.  But it IS slow...

DukePuke, you want a better file viewer for Linux?  Nautilus.  You can open it from KDE, with "run command" - but make sure you add "--nodesktop" to the end.  It has a tendency to mess up KDE otherwise.      But it's faster and doesn't have a web browser.

EDIT:  Oh wait, you meant web browser didn't you?     There's nothing wrong with Mozilla...the version that Slackware 9.0 comes with is...1.3.  OLD.  :D  1.6 gave a real speed boost, and 1.7 will even more so (when it comes out).

[ May 02, 2004: Message edited by: WMD ]

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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #6 on: 4 May 2004, 01:53 »
Opera is good, but it renders horribly, so i use opera (because i like the UI) AND mozilla (for the sites that opera can't render properly)

to get rid of the banner just do a google search for the serial key...

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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #7 on: 4 May 2004, 06:27 »
or pay for opera. as for konq. it is part of one of the tightest integrated application sets i have ever seen. thats right children, kde is more in touch with itself and its inner tao then windows will ever be. it only crashes rarerly over here and thats when i start throwing alien html from mars or some shit like that at it. doesn't render everyhting right, but thats why i fire up mozilla.
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Konqueror - the second Explorer?
« Reply #8 on: 5 May 2004, 02:15 »
Originally posted by DukePuke:
It crashes, freezes (rarely but does) makes CPU work at 100% sometimes, and so on.

Did you know that vim makes my computer CPU work at 100% sometimes? Not that it isn't an excellent program, all I'm saying is everything has bugs. Konqueror is decent, but Mozilla is better. Hell try Firefox.
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