Author Topic: Microsoft XP Firewall  (Read 1560 times)


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« on: 20 January 2002, 21:22 »
Microsoft's ICF (firewall) is just brilliant.  Let's face it these guys really know what they are doing.  Why is this so smart?

Well, this is the first phase in putting zonealarm, black ice, NIS, and others out of business (just like they did to 100s of small companies). Remember when NS ruled?

Second, the firewall can't be configured. This means that Microsoft is 100% free to communicate with the Mothership (particularly thru WMP 8) and unless you are smart enough to disable ICF and install a real firewall, you'll never even know it.

I also laugh at idiots who stop using outlook for security reasons and then start using Hotmail or some oher microshit service.  They don't realize that MS logs their IP, their unique MAC if they have a NIC, etc...Microsoft captures all the email info...they can even tell if you are pirating software...they add this to your database..then they give the mafia contracts to kill you.

Microsoft spyware compiles the biggest consumer database in the world.  They will one day try to rule the world, but it'll backfire, just like in the Terminator movies with Arnold.

[ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: FuckMSTillTheyDie ]


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #1 on: 20 May 2002, 01:42 »
Yup... but I really don't think Arnie can do that... OK, he looks though, but try hit him and he'll cry like a little baby


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #2 on: 20 May 2002, 02:04 »
They did it with Netscape, they did it with Sun and Java in WinXPiss, so why not try to put Zonealarm and other firewalls out of business as well? Those seem to be their favourite business practises. My answer to M$, are those HUGE security holes in their new wannabe OS they're so eagerly trying to patch up. And the more patches you download from their servers, the more unstable your system becomes  :D  .


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #3 on: 20 May 2002, 03:05 »
Lets begin by saying that the Windows XP built in firewall hardley has a chance to put other firewall makers ot of business. The Windows XP firewall only blocks incoming attacks, it does not prevent stuff like trojans to turn your computer into a hackers personal server.

The XP firewall was only created because the average user does not even know what a firewall is let alone have one installed. The Windows XP firewall is around to offer the average person a little bit of protection(a half ass firewall is better than no firewall at all). Anybody who actually knows a thing about security will not opt to use the built in XP firewall over a real firewall, therefore they will still buy the better firewall from the other companies.

In Netscapes case, IE eradicated it because IE is the better browser. IE is faster, renders better, displays Cascading Style Sheets properly(unlike NS), enhances the Windows OS, is alot easier to program for, etc. Netscape is just utter trash.

As for Java. Microsofts' Java Virtual machine renders faster than Suns' Java, is alot smaller in size(for 56kers to download) than Suns' Java, uses less CPU cycles when rendering than Sun Java and doesn't open up a Java Console(which eats memory) like Suns' Java.

Microsofts browser and Java are better than what the competition has to offer therefore they  dominante the competition. In the firewalls case, it will not dominate anything because it is nothing compared to what competition has to offer. The people who actually use firewalls(are customers for other companies) will still use thier preffered firewall(will still buy the other companies firewalls), end of story.

[ May 19, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #4 on: 20 May 2002, 04:00 »
I agree with you about the Windoze crippled firewall. However, who can guarantee that M$ will not try to develop a fully functional firewall which will then incorporate into future versions of Windoze?

As for the Windoze IE, you're propably forgetting or simply don't want to admit Microsoft's dirty business practises. How can you expect me to take a company such as M$ seriously when they're eliminating freedom of choice by bundling their wannabe web browser into the OS? And don't tell me that you're being serious when you say that IE is a better browser. Just take a look around you. There are certainly better alternatives (Mozilla, Opera, Galeon, Konqueror etc. Take your pick!!).


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #5 on: 20 May 2002, 13:16 »
Zombie9920: In Netscapes case, IE eradicated it because IE is the better browser. IE is faster, renders better, displays Cascading Style Sheets properly(unlike NS), enhances the Windows OS, is alot easier to program for, etc. Netscape is just utter trash.

What the f**k are you talking about? I have Netscape 6.2.2 installed and IE, and NS loads faster and renders faster. NS also has full support for CSS now. And who the hell cares if IE enhances XP? This is done standard... the only reason why I upgrade IE is for the many security holes.

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]

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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #6 on: 21 May 2002, 00:17 »
You have a choice if you want to use another browser. You aren't stuck with IE. Don't like IE? Download another browser and use it and let that be your default browser. IE does not limit your freedom, if you think it does, you must think that Taco Bell limits your freedom to McDonalds. Don't like it? Get an alternative.

As for the firewall in XP, that will never put any other firewalls out of business. It's half a real firewall and actually DOES let you configure it. You can select what ports are allowed and other settings on the advanced tab. Zone Alarm will always better than ICF. ICF is for NORMAL HOME USERS who don't know shit about computers and would like some BASIC security.

As for which is better browser, IE is a basic browser. Which ever the best browser is the best depends on your tastes. Which is better? Pepsi or Coke? It mostly depends on your tastes. I myself have a new found love for Mozilla.

As for Nutscrape, I will always hate them. I've always had bad experiences with them. If you like Netscape, by all means YOU use it, but I preffer IE over it. Mozilla is getting up there.

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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #7 on: 21 May 2002, 01:35 »
I think their next firewall will use their whole-ass, but will still be crappy, and they will "trick" the users into thinking that is a full firewall like ZA.
hmmmmm... i guess next they will add their own anti-virus and try to put Nortn/McAfee outta business?
(as for browsers i prefer Mozilla)
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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #8 on: 21 May 2002, 02:23 »
They did have their own virus product for a while back in the early days (I don't recall the name, I believe it was MSVIRUS or MSSCAN). I remember it around the time of Windows 3.0 or just before.  But since it took effort to keep up with all the new viruses coming out, and M$ being lazy and found much easier gravy trains to ride, they left the shit detail to the other Virus vendors. You might say their job is to wipe Microsoft's ass.
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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #9 on: 21 June 2002, 03:10 »
Microsoft firewall -> Dracula in charge of security at bloodbank.

Smoothwall and IP Cop are OK but I run Mandrake SNF 'cos I like the fact you can just load Mandrake RPMS  on for extra stuff.


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #10 on: 21 June 2002, 03:13 »
Wouldn't it be ironic if a bug caused all XP boxes to repeatedly report back bombarding M$ with enough data to constitute an XP based DoS attack,

We can hope, the ultimate embarrassment.


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #11 on: 21 June 2002, 14:12 »
it wouldn't be 'ironic', which is a word that has been more misused than any other in the last 10 years or so, however it would be slightly amusing.

None of this will make any difference to A.Dumbass though, who will do what they are told regardless, they get windows, and that's it.

Go on the internet? use windows
send email? use windows
write a letter? use windows
draw a picture? use windows - oh! windows can't draw pictures very well, i'll buy some program to do it.

Anything the OS can do (in a half or no assed way albeit) people will not buy any other program to do it.

Buying, downloading or installing a program is mystical and alien to these people (well maybe not buying, but once they've bought it, how many get a friend who's "in the know" to actually <gasp!> install it?) and if windows comes with a browser, a firewall, a calculator, an email client, and much of the time "comes from the shop" with Microsoft office installed, then those morons will never use anything else no matter how much better the alternative may be, or how shit the thing they're using is. They actually hate being told how shit their software is, because they feel some protective need to think they got their money's worth.

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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #12 on: 21 June 2002, 19:36 »
The real problem with the XP firewall is that it's pretty piss-poor - that lends a false sense of security. A false sense of security is VERY dangerous. It means that Jimmy Halfass will install XP and figure (from all the advertising) that he'll be protected from the evil 'hackers'.

Truth is, he won't. He'll still get lovely viruses like Klez, trojans like Sub7 and still get remotely logged off of XP by a javascript. Even InternetALERT (a *really* awful software firewall) kicks the shit out of the XP ICF.

But if those people don't know, they'll never buy an actual firewall, figuring that the one in XP is "good enough".


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Microsoft XP Firewall
« Reply #13 on: 21 June 2002, 20:33 »
bad news for the firewall companies, but fuck it serves those dumbasses right.

actually, those are the dumbasses that probably never think of getting a firewall in the first place. (they probably think it's made out of asbestos)

Anyway, zonealarm is free for personal use, so for most morons, they could use that once they did get hacked (except they'd be too stupid to notice probably)

Also, i heard about this great new secure operating system that comes with a one and a half assed firewalling system preinstalled!!! it's called "linux" or something, and hey... you can get it FREE! (must be 'cos those evil hackers have released it to try and get you to run it so they can hack into your computer!!!  :eek:  )
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