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Photo editing apps.

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How does the GIMP compare with say Photo Shop Elements 2 (or even the full blown Photo Shop)?

For me, the GIMP is every bit as capable as Photoshop.  I'm not sure about PS Elements because I've never used it.

In my opinion, The Gimp is still < Photoshop. But it should stack up against Elements pretty well (the Gimp, in a few years, should become just as powerful as Photoshop, so it already surpassed Elements...).

i have used the gimp, and i do not like it. i have used it enough to know what i like. and i like photoshop. don't get me wrong though. the gimp will surpass photoshop in a few years, just like all opensourece apps. until that time though, i will use adobes products.


quote:Originally posted by ecsyle_one:
i have used the gimp, and i do not like it. i have used it enough to know what i like. and i like photoshop. don't get me wrong though. the gimp will surpass photoshop in a few years, just like all opensourece apps. until that time though, i will use adobes products.
--- End quote ---

WOW! Someone who actually agrees with me about the PhotoShop Vs Gimp issue.

Check the M$ in the news section.




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