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Photo editing apps.

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quote:Originally posted by ecsyle_one:
i have used the gimp, and i do not like it. i have used it enough to know what i like. and i like photoshop. don't get me wrong though. the gimp will surpass photoshop in a few years, just like all opensourece apps. until that time though, i will use adobes products.
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Gimp does a lot photoshop does not.

Photoshop has Liquify, which I envy, but I still like to be GIMPy.

And value for money wise, GIMP blows photoshop out of the water.

lets not forget about film gimp, or whatever they named it to

IMHO the Gimp is still somewhat inferior to Adobe's products, judging from my minimal experience. I think though that at this rate, the GIMP will be equal or will surpass Photoshop in the future (near or not so near, time will tell).  


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