Author Topic: Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)  (Read 3190 times)


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #15 on: 17 July 2002, 11:22 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

Gay sex, that is.

I knew you would say.

BTW I have confirmed that you, "XP user" is the "Flaming bag of poo" because you created another account and used without changing your IP by redialing or even just using a proxie.

One other thing now you think you have the right to launch a McRib again, that two times you've tried to lauch a McRib with no McFucken McBone... What da ya think a rib is its a fucken bone you MAD McFuck!


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #16 on: 17 July 2002, 11:45 »
mozilla, it kicks ass it has the same interface across many different os's. like right now, guess what os i am dual booting redhat 7.3 and its not windows. ill let you guess but it is not that different then linux and windows/*well, if gates didn't steal code that little mother fucker*/ in fact windows's ftp client is based on it and some of there new tcp/ip stack is too. and i kinda like the internet exploder theme for mozilla as i have said before, its great for fooling idiots
id rather be on fire then use windoze

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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #17 on: 17 July 2002, 11:48 »
o, and for xpee user. i think he should stop whacking it over his mom

[ July 17, 2002: Message edited by: choasmaster ]

id rather be on fire then use windoze

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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #18 on: 17 July 2002, 12:45 »
I tried Mozilla out and what can I say, its the best, simply put.  I will use it from now on.  If anyone reading this hasn't downloaded it yet, I suggest you do right away.  You won't regret it.


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #19 on: 18 July 2002, 17:39 »
X11 /b0b

like your website, the IE crash code got me though, I'm on an NT workstation at the moment... Just another reason why I should install Mozilla on these pieces.
HiyaAAAA!!!!!! Something smellls!


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #20 on: 2 August 2002, 07:47 »
I've been an IE user for a long time after switching from Netscape.  It seemed cooler with the way everything was set up.  Then I just tried Mozilla.  I love it.  It's got built in pop-up blocking and tabbed windows.  My only complaint is that I can't get a Google toolbar for it (I like the Search Site, Pull Up First Result, and Up buttons), that's mostly why I switched back to IE.  I have a great distaste for Microsoft and its practices and am considering trying Linux soon.  I'm not an idiot MS supportor (well.. I'm at least not an MS supporter).  I'm just wondering why Internet Explorer is deemed such a bad browser.  Its a whole lot easier to design for (I'm still having trouble getting Mozilla to make two table rows touch).


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #21 on: 4 August 2002, 06:59 »
I'm just wondering why Internet Explorer is deemed such a bad browser. Its a whole lot easier to design for
In the first place, IE is responsible for about 90% of the instability of Winders. When I used IEradicator to get the damn thing off my Win 95 system, I had far fewer crashes.  I've used various browsers: Mozilla, Konqueror, Galeon, Opera, Netscape as well as IE. In my experience, IE is the sloooooooowest browser I've ever used. When I was using Win 95 exclusively, I didn't notice since I didn't know any better. After seeing Mozilla on Linux, IE just drove my crazy waiting for web pages to load. Another problem with it is shitty fonts. Lousey fonts are a GNOME problem. They just look rough. Well, using IE, on an IE-friendly web site, the fonts didn't look any better than using Galeon on Red Hat 7.2.    (KDE doesn't seem to have this problem with fonts). IE also fills up your HD with all sorts of crap. See the featured article about the hidden files. Use IE for any length of time, and you'll accumulate literally hundreds of megabytes of garbage. When I still had my old system and Win 95, it took me over twelve minutes to delete all those files. That's rediculous, and no one other than Macro$uck could ever hope to get away with offering such a POS. Lastly, sure it's easy to design for. That's all part of the grand Macro$uck plan: make IE, and the rest of the Windows platform, easy to design for and write apps. That way, the developers get sucked in and find themselves locked in. Sort of like how drug dealers will give you a free taste or two, till you're hooked.

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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #22 on: 6 August 2002, 03:12 »

I have the worst misery of all. At work I use that uncassifiable OS MisEry. And I immediatly installed Mozilla. HA HA. Trouble is it runs like a pig, Now this ain't so on any other winders system. Does anyone know how to beef it up, slow start-up is the main prob. Can't make too many changes. Gonna try Opera on it instead. This is one of only a few times Mozilla has let me down. The other being the Checkout on (A site that is affiliated - part owned? - by Apple!). Mozilla is awesome, so is Opera, hell I prefer using Kamelion to IE.
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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #23 on: 6 August 2002, 16:39 »
mozilla 1.0 (release candidate 3, NOT stable version) works great on my home winME laptop (for windows this is  :(  ), and so does Opera 6.03, both are recommended, however you needn't really get opera if you have mozilla in my opinion. I found thaT 'stable' windows version crashed a lot on winME. Thos eare my thoughts...
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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #24 on: 7 August 2002, 05:40 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

Gay sex, that is.

You don't even know how it even works, you fucking 12 year old.  Grow the fuck up and get off our forums.
Using a Microsoft product and hating every moment of it is the first step to liberation.

Windows XP User?
Windows XP LOSER! Go fuck yourself!


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #25 on: 8 August 2002, 11:39 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

Gay sex, that is.

If it were not for the fact I grew out of name calling... I'de point out how low making a comment like that makes you inteligence look. I mean.. intolerance of software is one thing... intolerance of other people.. far different. It's people like you and comments like that, that promote hate, injustice and cruelty in the world. You've obviously not grown up past the mental stage of 12.. even if you are older or so.

Ok.. done with my low stress rant.

*disclaimer* I'm not gay, but alot of my friends are.. or Bi. so it really peaves me to see people make comments like that. I wish people would grow up past homophobia... since homophobia and racism and all that crap are diseases of the immature mind. (ok, NOW I'm done ranting... sorry. bad day)
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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #26 on: 8 August 2002, 19:13 »
Ok so what are the pros and cons of the non-IE browsers such as Mozilla, Opera, Konquerer etc.

[ August 08, 2002: Message edited by: lazygamer ]

For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #27 on: 8 August 2002, 21:53 »
PROS: They are non-M$
CONS: None
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #28 on: 8 August 2002, 22:40 »
Errr yes, but I mean compared to each other.

Like I heard Konquerer is VERY customizable, but is also complex due to this. Opera is very quick, but has trouble with some pages. Netscape is only a shadow of it's former self and there is better options out there etc.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Mozilla kicks (i.e. ass)
« Reply #29 on: 8 August 2002, 23:36 »
yeah, mozilla kicks the shit out of ie. hands down. and with the crossover plugin. i can run awsome shit on my linux box.
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