I'm just wondering why Internet Explorer is deemed such a bad browser. Its a whole lot easier to design for
In the first place, IE is responsible for about 90% of the instability of Winders. When I used IEradicator to get the damn thing off my Win 95 system, I had far fewer crashes. I've used various browsers: Mozilla, Konqueror, Galeon, Opera, Netscape as well as IE. In my experience, IE is the sloooooooowest browser I've ever used. When I was using Win 95 exclusively, I didn't notice since I didn't know any better. After seeing Mozilla on Linux, IE just drove my crazy waiting for web pages to load. Another problem with it is shitty fonts. Lousey fonts are a GNOME problem. They just look rough. Well, using IE,
on an IE-friendly web site, the fonts didn't look any better than using Galeon on Red Hat 7.2.

(KDE doesn't seem to have this problem with fonts). IE also fills up your HD with all sorts of crap. See the featured article about the hidden files. Use IE for any length of time, and you'll accumulate literally
hundreds of megabytes of garbage. When I still had my old system and Win 95, it took me over twelve minutes to delete all those files. That's rediculous, and no one other than Macro$uck could ever hope to get away with offering such a POS. Lastly, sure it's easy to design for. That's all part of the grand Macro$uck plan: make IE, and the rest of the Windows platform, easy to design for and write apps. That way, the developers get sucked in and find themselves locked in. Sort of like how drug dealers will give you a free taste or two, till you're hooked.
Live Free or Die: Linux

There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore
--Daffy Duck