Miscellaneous > Applications

The prefrences toolbar is "133t"

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[edit: image fixed]

[ October 14, 2002: Message edited by: Ex Eleven / b0b ]

as of now that image is broken... can you fix it please?  

!!! wow!!!! that is excellent! it adds the one thing that opera has that mozilla has always lacked!!!! (a toobar toggle for loading images)

Also, i really like the thing of being able to select what you identify as on the toolbar! saves you having to change browsers to visit some sites!

one in the fucking eye for IE, let's see IE do that you cocksucking IE fanatics!!!!!! (yes, i mean you zombie ;P )

Also, while you're at it, try setting IE to delete cookies at the end of every web browsing session  :D

Master of Reality:
where did you get that bar from??


quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
where did you get that bar from??
--- End quote ---

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