Author Topic: Micro$loth wins against Lindows in Europe  (Read 1300 times)


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Micro$loth wins against Lindows in Europe
« on: 12 December 2003, 22:02 »
Judges in Finland and Sweden have given Microsoft what it has twice been denied in the U.S.: preliminary injunctions barring Linux vendor from using the Lindows name.  European courts appear to be siding with Microsoft. The Redmond, Washington, company sought a preliminary injunction in Finland on November 28 and it was granted on Decemebr 1, company spokesperson Stacy Drake says.

Now I have two questions:
1. I dont understand what it means when someone sues someone else and the US courts say one thing and the Europeans say another thing. The US courts told Microsoft to fuck off, but the Europeans told Lindows to change their name. So what the fuck does this mean? A new name for Lindows? A new name for Lindows only in Europe what??

2.Why are there so many idiots in this world?????????? I don't understand the logic of these people. Do they have their brains in their asses? Why doesn't Microsoft then sue Home Depot for selling "windows"? Or better yet, there's a street in a nearby neighborhood called Norton Street. Does Symentec then have a right to sue New York City? FUCK IDIOTS!

[ December 12, 2003: Message edited by: xeen ]


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Micro$loth wins against Lindows in Europe
« Reply #1 on: 13 December 2003, 00:39 »
Originally posted by xeen:
Now I have two questions:
1. I dont understand what it means when someone sues someone else and the US courts say one thing and the Europeans say another thing. The US courts told Microsoft to fuck off, but the Europeans told Lindows to change their name. So what the fuck does this mean? A new name for Lindows? A new name for Lindows only in Europe what??

God knows.  

Originally posted by xeen:
Why doesn't Microsoft then sue Home Depot for selling "windows"? Or better yet, there's a street in a nearby neighborhood called Norton Street. Does Symentec then have a right to sue New York City?

Shhhh....don't tell them, they just might.  :D   :eek:
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Micro$loth wins against Lindows in Europe
« Reply #2 on: 13 December 2003, 03:56 »
I'm sorry but

"Lindows", "Windows" ermmm how the fuck can they do this, these are two separate and distinct names, although there is a semblance they are NOT the same. So M$ is saying that it's to similar to be close to comfort..... Oh dibums, is poor Bill throwing a tantrum.

Apart from the the fact that the courts have already proved that their is doubt of the validity of Windows as a registered name. Nah they may have got an injunction now but I think this will get thrown out of court in the end.
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Micro$loth wins against Lindows in Europe
« Reply #3 on: 13 December 2003, 12:02 »
Windows. Lindows. That's only one letter off. They both provide the same type of merchendise to the same type of people.

I think it's pretty funny that a OS named after windows has a website ripped straight off of Apple. As if they want to be every OS at once.


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Micro$loth wins against Lindows in Europe
« Reply #4 on: 13 December 2003, 19:35 »
Their website just resembles the same menu...  other than that the HTML is completely different.

But really if I was them I would just change it to like Lindoze. or something. I mean I know it's a good name because it gets Windows users all like ooo. But at the same time it gets Microsoft all like Haha!

If the name was Lindoze then they still got the same ring. Same reaction from Windows users. Microsoft however can't really say it's coping because it's not just one letter changed. So I mean it's all good though.

Not like we're going to follow what Europe says. That's why we went to war to get decolonized and all that. So we could do our own thing make our own government. Based off the flaws that Europe had. So should Europe sue us? Because we have a government system based off of what they did wrong?

Basically that's what Lindows is trying to do. I mean if I was Bill Gates I wouldn't even care if there were people biting my stuff. You got billions of dollars. Not like you really need to bring down the little companies. Like Microsoft did. And is still doing.

Just because Europe made them change their name doesn't mean that it's going to be changed in America...