Author Topic: Why I hate outlook  (Read 3918 times)


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #15 on: 15 June 2002, 03:16 »" target="_blank">
In October 1994, Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web, founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science [MIT/LCS] in collaboration with CERN, where the Web originated, with support from DARPA and the European Commission. For further information on the joint initiative and the contributions of CERN, INRIA, and MIT, please see the statement on the joint World Wide Web Initiative.

I think the inventor of the world wide web is the best person qualified to set up the regulatory body for the web, don't you?

Actually, XP Loser does not agree with any regulatory body unless they are Microsoft. It is imperative however that all regulatory bodies be independent of their relative markets. This is because it promotes fairness, and does not encourage a monopoly which is always detrimental to the consumer, and hence the industry.

Gooseberry Cock, (hiding behind red ranger software) you state that your html is only tested in IE because you do not care about other browsers. This illuminates your mindset. I will not comment upon you further.

One thing, my html is w3c compliant as far as i know, and it does not have that line in it. You may go to my site (the link's in my signature) and view the source if you like. I confess i have not tested it in Amaya yet, so i may be wrong on this score. However it works fine in multiple versions of five of the most common browsers (including IE, i found out totally by accident...)
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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #16 on: 15 June 2002, 08:20 »
No no you've gotten it all wrong; anyone can tell you it's Al Gore who invented the internet, not this imposter.


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #17 on: 15 June 2002, 12:30 »
i thought it was george bush myself...

Ear ache my eye!!!!!!!

I've got a rubbish taste in music

Windows XP, Suddenly everything clicks.

Goosenbury Clock, MacOS is based on Windows

Microsoft XBOX, The third place

Windows 2000, powerfulll

linux, slow

Microsoft .net, never thought of before

Microsoft Office, Easy and simple

Internet Explorer, Security our focus

Microsoft IIS, Powerfull!

Apache, Slow


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #18 on: 15 June 2002, 12:47 »
Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software *:
There you go with that W3C crap again. I don't see why I should have to put <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> at the top of every page just because a bunch of wankers says so. If my site works in IE, I'm happy.

I aggree here (what happend to your nick and all your cool friends at   )


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #19 on: 16 June 2002, 21:15 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
Tell me, why is W3C in any more of a position to dictate standards than Microsoft is?  Furthermore, since IE is used by 95% of computer users, why don't other browsers just conform to the standards set by IE, and we would have none of this horse shit?

Thats a ridiculous argument!  I suppose you think since most of the Englsh speaking peoples are Americans, we should switch the standards to American words (i.e. colors instead of colours, subway instead of the underground).  Also, M$  speaks chinease as a first language we should also all do so.  (err, is it Chinease or english, or maybe Spanish?) well whatever it is, the prinicpal is the same.  Also, M$ would always have first knowledge of the standards, and that would be bad, because they would come out with the newest releases.  I mean lets say IEs developing team  spends 6 monts working on a new feature, and then releases the feature and the new ver of the browser to the public.  It would take Mozilla 6 months to catch up, and everyone would be sure to use IE.  And knowing M$, they would probably start to keep the standards secret so that no one else could pick them up and use them.  (I know that seems ludicris, but its M$, they will do anything to dominate the indusrty!)


p.s. edit: better analogy

[ June 16, 2002: Message edited by: iustitia ]


You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #20 on: 16 June 2002, 21:18 »
Oh yeah, I hate Lookout XPress because the news service sucks.  Its almost like they dont want to promate freedom of speach and learning.  Everytime you click on a post, the post comes up in full text w/o you asking, causing a huge slowdown.  And thinking of putting together seperated binaries?  Use Lookout and forget about it!

p.s. what about the name Lockout, since it requires that stupid key in order to use the program!

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #21 on: 17 June 2002, 06:47 »
I hate Outlook. I tried to configure it to prompt for my password before accessing my account and it locked me out of my account instead. I had to delete my account and create a new one to get it back. The only way i could get my mail was for Outlook to remember my password. Another thing is that Outlook and Virus Express never fully integrated so i had to allow two mail programs to access the net to get the mail for one. Not to mention that it would crash for the littlest thing. It was such a PITA that i moved to Mozilla. Haven't had any problems so far and i love it.


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #22 on: 17 June 2002, 22:08 »
I hate and stopped using outlook. Why ?
Because for a while last year, the news was constantly talking about dangerous virii for the program Outlook (as those probably MS-using news basterds call it) and that millions of [M$] pc's were infected and that the one who did it was wanted by the police. Like I saw someone on this forums say in his signature, he's bloody right:

 You won't start hating M$ until you've got something else !!

And, outlook is buggy as hell. If you make a new account, fill it in and start it up, than (that's what happened to me) you will get one person from somebody else's adressbook already added to your list ... it's hilarious !
Linux user #283039

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Gooseberry Clock

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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #23 on: 17 June 2002, 22:34 »
Then it must be in the shared contacts.


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #24 on: 17 June 2002, 23:18 »
Your Windows Messenger buddies are automaticly listed in Outlook Express too...

Thank God, I'm using Mozilla Mail and Trillian now.


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #25 on: 18 June 2002, 14:12 »
Thank god im using Mozilla Mail 1.0.0 And Mozilla 1.0.0 And Trillian .93 and Zone Alarm Pro, And i think i will switch from Explorer to somthing else...
Then maybe somone should make an alt Windows Kernel too. That would be zer gut i think.

"So i fly, most people hate me, to fly, away from this pain" - KoRn


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #26 on: 9 October 2004, 00:59 »
outlook's outlook is looking dire

i work at an ISP tech support, and can tell you the woes of my day are outlook express problems.
Not really problems that i experience myself.  I use outlook set up for imap to only get headers, so no sploits like auto executing attachments get me if more surface.  My customers though, have a difficult time with things that are not even thier fault;

1. Servers get changed from and to which will not work.  This is usually caused by an install of norton AV.  I dont know whether to blame outlook or norton for this one, but i know for a fact that these settings do not need fucked with.

2. Sometimes outlook will NOT get mail no matter what you do, unless you restart the computer.  Ive seen this on several versions of windows.

3. Outlook by default is set up with some really stupid defaults, ie. auto previewing messages, and blocking what it thinks are bad attachments, which often ends up being a .doc or .xls that you really need.  Leave that to the AV scanner.

4. Outlook often has a problem  on dialup with disconnecting you from the internet, because it thinks you are on a different connection, and then dials up again on the same damn one.  There is also 3 diffrent places in the options to select which conection you want which all can have a different choice.

5. Outlook often times out when getting large attachments, even if you set the slider to 5 minutes.

like I said, I can use it fine, but computer dumb people can't and thats what it was supposedly designed for.  We really dont get many calls for problems here, as the service runs smoothly, but when they do call in its someone about to cancel thier service because they cant get thier email again.  Outlook fucked up and they dont understand that outlook is not our email system, just a client for getting mail.  OH well, its the first program that was plopped in front of them, so thats all they know how to do.

p.s. i realize service pack 2 attempts to set better email settings, but not everyone has XP or wants sp2

please be nice when you retaliate, I am neither microsoft or linux, just a user


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #27 on: 9 October 2004, 02:59 »
Brandon - [A+/?]: We really dont get many calls for problems here, as the service runs smoothly, but when they do call in its someone about to cancel thier service because they cant get thier email again.  Outlook fucked up and they dont understand that outlook is not our email system, just a client for getting mail.  OH well, its the first program that was plopped in front of them, so thats all they know how to do.

AOL thought of something right afer all: bad software can kill an ISP.
Many user don't know the difference between their own computer and the Internet, and start to blame their ISP for everything.


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #28 on: 14 October 2004, 02:09 »
YES i get that alot
quote: "when i turn on my computer i get a blue screen and nothing happens, are you guys having a problem there?"


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Why I hate outlook
« Reply #29 on: 19 October 2004, 19:24 »
I hate outlook, either.

Can we say most e-mail viruses aim to infect Outlook? (at least, an original target)