Author Topic: Mozilla 101 reasons why...  (Read 5375 times)


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« on: 20 December 2002, 22:19 »
"101 things that the Mozilla browser can do that IE cannot.

The following lists 101 things that one can do with the Mozilla browser component that one cannot do with IE."

Open Source Software - What is the compelling reason to use anything else?


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #1 on: 20 December 2002, 22:53 »
It's more a 101 reasons Moz. kicks IE arse.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #2 on: 20 December 2002, 23:02 »
i never realised that IE failed to do so many things! amazing how you get used to luxury so fast, isn't it?
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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #3 on: 21 December 2002, 01:14 »
Tabbed browsing
Lets you display more than one site in a window using multiple tabs.
Crazy Browser
Popup blocking
Block all those popup ads.
Crazy Browser
Prevent scripts from doing various things
such as moving windows, closing them and setting cookies.
Or you could not visit those sites. Or you could turn JavaScript off altogether.
Link toolbar
Displays content from the <link> tags provided by a document, allowing one to navigate to various parts of a site.
This is what I hate about Mozilla: they refuse to support useful IE tags, yet invent their own.
The sidebar provides a number of tabs by default, and others can be added by the user.
Never had a use for them.
Can add custom panels to sidebar
Custom sidebars can be implemented in HTML or XUL and can be installed from a remote site without much hassle.
XUL? What the hell is XUL? Some proprietary Mozilla "standard"?
More control over text zooming
Can zoom text to any size. IE only supports five sizes
Only blind people would have a use for that. If you want things bigger, set your display to Large Fonts or lower your screen resolution.
and has no shortcut keys that I could determine.
Can zoom any text, even that with fixed pixel sizes
Can zoom text no matter what units were specified.
I care?
Can select from multiple stylesheets provided by page
When a page provides multiple (or alternate) stylesheets,
None do.
one can select between them by choosing from the View menu.
Another proprietary Mozilla "standard".
Page info dialog
Provides additional information about encoding, MIME type, referrer and meta tags.
Ever heard of View Source?
Detailed form/link/media info dialog
The page info dialog provides tabs which have lists of the form elements, links, images and other media in a page. You can even preview images and save the then from this window.
I could probably knock up something similar in IE. IE4 Power Toys already does links. (Or you could just View Source, you lazy git.)
Save plugins
Mozilla saves plugins when saving a Web page as complete. You can also save them from the Page Info window.
Now what useful purpose could that possibly serve?
Provides two themes by default (Classic and Modern), but others may be installed.
Both identical, and no one likes Times New Roman menus that take up way too much RAM.
Bookmark etc.
Cookie Manager
The cookie manager lets you view the cookies that have been set, their values and their expiry times.
Can delete cookies individually
The cookie manager lets you delete individual cookies without having to search around your file system.
Block images from third party sites
One can block images that come from a third party domain.
OK, that's one.
Download Manager
The download manager provides a tabular view of all of the files that you have downloaded, allowing you to open them without having to search around on your file system.
So do all download accelerators. And IE saves files on the desktop by default.
Prevents running of executables directly
Mozilla doesn't let you run executable files directly when downloading, which at least makes you think twice before opening them.
If you don't plan on running EXE files, don't download them.
View Source
View the syntax coloured source of a page, without having to view it in Notepad.
Some people actually like Notepad.
JavaScript Console
JavaScript Console displays script warnings
JavaScript Debugger

All the same thing. I had to FIND the JavaScript console before I could figure out why a script on my site wasn't working in Mozilla. Maybe if it popped up an error dialog like IE, I could have fixed it a lot sooner, and Mozilla's reputation might actually go up from 1 point to 2.
DOM Inspector
View the structure of a document using a nifty tree view. Also lets you view script properties and style applied to each element.
Shouldn't this be in a separate program?
DOM Inspector image capture
The DOM Inspector has a tool to capture an image of part of a page, although it doesn't seem to work all too well.
Print Screen
Select text and perform search
Select some text, bring up the context menu, and choose 'Search' to search for the selected text.
Or you could just use Control+C and Control+V, you lazy git.
Can select custom search engine
You can select any search engine you wish, not just one that has been chosen for you.
Or you could just type in the search engine's url manually, you lazy git.
Can display search results in sidebar
When a search is performed, results can be parsed automatically and displayed in the sidebar. You can navigate each found item, without hiding the list.
OK, that's two.
Supports any Sherlock search plugin
Supports the Macintosh Sherlock search format, so any search engine that supports it can be used.
What's the matter, Mozilla? Run out of ideas for your own "standards" and started using Apple's?
Can manage saved passwords
Lets you view and delete stored login and passwords.
Or you could not store your passwords.
Master password encrypts info
A single master password can be used to protect all of your other passwords
See previous answer.
Can fill-in complete forms automatically
Stores complete forms which can be later be filled in automatically. This is useful if you want to register for something 600 times.
Now why would I want to register for something 600 times?
Can disable tooltips
Not very exciting,
You said it!

That's enough for now, stay tuned for part two.

[ December 20, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * PC Commando ]


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #4 on: 21 December 2002, 01:47 »
dude, what's your problem?

mozilla isn't's open source last time i looked, and with constantly new builds available...

if you don't like something like the 'sidebar', which i don't, you can remove it (which i did)

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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #5 on: 21 December 2002, 02:08 »
That's enough for now, stay tuned for part two.  

Why? I stopped during installment one when I realised YOU MISSED THE FUCKING POINT.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #6 on: 21 December 2002, 02:43 »
Heh heh, it was pretty funny though. I always complained that RRS never wrote more than two or three words in each of his posts. Maybe it's better if it stays that way.

And he's complaining about Mozilla supporting standards (like those developed by Apple) which I find quite odd. That's the entire point of a standard, so everyone can use it.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #7 on: 22 December 2002, 04:06 »
RSS - cool.

For us newbies it's useful to read replies to OSS.

When I meet the same points in the real world I am prepared.

If Microsoft produced a brilliant piece of software that did exactly what I wanted at a price I could justify - if it's a business decision then I must buy Microsoft.

OSS has so far impressed me and I do spread the word - but because it's excellent software not because it's OSS.

All points of view are useful for some here and RRS spent too much time on it to be considered at all trollish.

Part 2 would be cool.

"Know your enemy"

Open Source Software - What is the compelling reason to use anything else?


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #8 on: 22 December 2002, 06:48 »
* Red Ranger Software * PC Commando

Dude what drug are you smoking?

Its never to late to get help.
dbl221***Comp-Sys walking wounded


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #9 on: 22 December 2002, 07:15 »
Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * PC Commando:
OK: You said it!

That's enough for now, stay tuned for part two.

[ December 20, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * PC Commando ]

Red Ranger software, how is anything in Mozilla proprietary?

Someone delete his post and save the webhosting of this site some hard disk.


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #10 on: 22 December 2002, 08:52 »
Moz and or chimera ... ( ... are way better than IE. IE is the biggest peice of crap browswer i have ever used.  :mad:

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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #11 on: 22 December 2002, 21:29 »
Originally posted by X11:
save the webhosting of this site some hard disk.
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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #12 on: 22 December 2002, 21:52 »
Mozilla sucks.  IE sucks even more.  Chimera kicks ass.  Phoenix kicks ass.  Omniweb is OK.  Netscape blows.


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #13 on: 22 December 2002, 15:06 »
* Red Ranger Software *: PC Jihad kamikaze pilot: Some people actually like Notepad.

Why would you like Notepad? It can only display black text, which is very anoying while making a webpage.

Try Vim, it comes in a very stable Win32 build (you may have to download the English language pack, but I'm not sure   )


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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
« Reply #14 on: 26 December 2002, 11:08 »
This is what I hate about Mozilla: they refuse to support useful IE tags, yet invent their own.

yeah, < IFRAME> is increadably useful -- especially to virus writers.

quote: one can select between them by choosing from the View menu.

Another proprietary Mozilla "standard".

yeah, the "view" menu at the top of everything was patented by the mozilla corp -- er, wait a minute...

View Source
View the syntax coloured source of a page, without having to view it in Notepad.

Some people actually like Notepad.

and some people don't.  Given the choice, do you prefer black text or context highlighting?

Here's some homework:
lookup XML and XUL.
lookup "proprietary".  use it in a sentance.
name a standard that mozilla invented that would not be possible to implement anywhere else.


[ December 26, 2002: Message edited by: beltorak0 ]

from Attrition.Org
Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.
