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Mozilla 101 reasons why...

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Gooseberry Clock:
What the hell are you talking about? Duke Nukem stole half his sounds from Doom and Hexen.

And he stole his lines from Evil Dead.

Oh wait... I was such a moron... 3DRealms made the music file played in level two of episode 1, in the stripper room, there own. It's called "barmusic.voc".


quote:You'll need IE 6 for this: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced -> First-party cookies: Accept, Third-party cookies: Block
--- End quote ---
i won't need ie for that you dumbass. currently i am using phoenix and it goes 'Tools>Preferences>Privacy>Enable cookies for the originating webserver only'. as i said before ANY good webbrowser supports this (however i do not think it is 'advanced' which leads me to believe that either IE patronises its users or else those users really are too stupid to know what cookies are).

quote:And as for deleting cookies every time you log off, why would you want to? If you ask me, having to log in to a site every time you visit it (and having to remember the username and password) is much more hassle than the unwelcome cookies you're trying to avoid.
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i did not ask your opinion on this matter. in phoenix (and any good webbrowser) you can set this option using a tickbox in the same dialogue i used above for the cookies. simple and easy. what if i use a public computer and i want to be sure i will be logged off from any sites i visit even if i forget to logout manually? i suppose you're about to tell me to edit some system file with a text editor or some shit, when it would be quite simple to put this in a little dialogue box in preferences.  
quote:You'd be much better off setting the above option to Prompt
--- End quote ---
and have some 'OK' box EVERY time i visit a site? no thanks, dumbass  
quote:(or not visiting sites that store unwelcome cookies).
--- End quote ---
right. "Doctor it hurts when i do this" "Don't do that then". I am glad microsoft does not make medicines. You'd only be allowed to catch authorised diseases!  
quote:But if you must, stick this in your AUTOEXEC.BAT:

--- End quote ---
ah here we go, finally this nice easy intuitive 'start up notepad and type this' bollocks. i thought windows was supposed to be easy? not only does this action NOT have a GUI but i would bet my hat it is NOT documented anywhere that a new user might find it. By contrast you can hardly miss it in phoenix, mozilla and galeon. No i prefer software that lets me do what i want, NOT what somebody else wants me to do.

Why do you continue to stand up for your puppeteers? is it true that you really have no freewill of your own?

two more points:
1) i don't need to take your convoluted advice and follow the ridiculous instructions because i use a real system and a real browser. i don't even have an autoexec.bat
2) will your autoexec.bat advice work in NT? will it work in XP? will it work in WinME? i don't honestly know. i am aware however that different versions of windows use different utils and different flags, making it all another degree more confusing. i am sure that while win98 has deltree, winme does not (or is it the other way round) and does xp have an autoexec.bat? (i bet it does actually, what progress!)

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]


quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software * PC Commando:
You'll need IE 6 for this: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced -> First-party cookies: Accept, Third-party cookies: Block

And as for deleting cookies every time you log off, why would you want to? If you ask me, having to log in to a site every time you visit it (and having to remember the username and password) is much more hassle than the unwelcome cookies you're trying to avoid. You'd be much better off setting the above option to Prompt (or not visiting sites that store unwelcome cookies). But if you must, stick this in your AUTOEXEC.BAT:

--- End quote ---

Mozilla gives me control of every individual cookie to deal with as I decide.

I can set the browser to log in to ANY site automatically, if I choose, refusing cookies does not in fact prevent this.

Refusing cookies does two things it prevents the immoral and in some places illegal collection of data about me without my knowledge and it increases my security because little files containing personal data such as my address and passwords are not available to anyone trying to read them. It's not that I should or shouldn't it's quite simply that I can (CHOICE is the operative word here).

And I should edit the the autoexec.bat file to remove cookies - what a fucking good idea, I've just been surfing the web now wait while I reboot my machine to get rid of the cookies, and as far as I know Macs do not have autoexec.

[ January 13, 2003: Message edited by: Linux Frank ]


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