Miscellaneous > Applications
Mozilla 101 reasons why...
I might if you don't take my name outof your sig!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
Wait...Disregard that last post (this forum really needs a "delete post" button).
What the hell is RRR doing with my name in his sig?!?!?!
<LINK> isn't a mozilla "made up" tag. It's part of the w3c standard.
quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
<LINK> isn't a mozilla "made up" tag. It's part of the w3c standard.
--- End quote ---
I haven't looked it up myself, but i assume your right. just wondering why "made up" is quoted... haven't actually seen the phrase "made up" anywhere in this topic except this post. anyways... yeah! it's a standard (i thinks).
quote:Originally posted by Stryker:
I haven't looked it up myself, but i assume your right. just wondering why "made up" is quoted... haven't actually seen the phrase "made up" anywhere in this topic except this post. anyways... yeah! it's a standard (i thinks).
--- End quote ---
Look on page one of this topic... Search for "invent". It wasn't an exact quote.
[ January 14, 2003: Message edited by: void main ]
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