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Mozilla 101 reasons why...
I used the quotes because I can't figure out how to make the Dr. Evil hand signals in UBB.
We invented a death ray which called a "LASER..."
I apologize for confusion.
quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
I used the quotes because I can't figure out how to make the Dr. Evil hand signals in UBB.
We invented a death ray which called a "LASER..."
I apologize for confusion.
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except i don't think this version of UBB [DREVIL-QUOTE]supports[/DREVILQUOTE] it.
edit: Nope, it doesn't...
Ya know. Once ya bind the middle mouse button to open a new tab, it then becomes handy.
quote: you're right. if you are quoting somebody sarcastically, then you look like a prize dumbass if they didn't actually say what you are ridiculing them for saying (even if the gist is the same) in my opinion.
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im sorry, i should have been more clear. Its not quoting them sarcastically, its a way to emphasize a particular word. like using DrEvil hand quotes. I suppose we could just make that particular text bold instead of using quotes. or use 'word' instead of "word"
you know one pointless thing i noticed about these forums? this is different from this!
the first one uses the QB tag and the second one uses the B tag. this translates into html as <strong> and <b> respectively. it's kind of like the difference between <em> and <i> ie: it's there but there's no point for it, or at least i have never found an html viewer that displays the two differently.
[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]
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