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Interesting But Unsurprising MSN Messenger Censoring.

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quote:Originally posted by Brad:
After getting yet another chain mail letter today from someone on my MSN Messenger contact list, I decides I would add "-Send Me Chain Mail; You Die-" yet for some odd reason it kept refusing my name, after a little bit of fooling around I figured out it was blocking the "Chain Mail" part. I really don't see how anyone could promote a chain mail that well using their nickname. Anyway, I told the people in an IRC chat room about it, and joking said something like "I bet they even block 'Microsoft Sucks'". After trying it out, they had apparently actually blocked it. Fortunately they did block weird chars like "

I tried something similar.  I used Trillian to change my display name to "Microsoft is Evil", and of course I would get errors in Trillian to the effect that it wasn't a valid username.  Did the same with "Microsoft Sucks", same result.  I think they block anything that has their name in the display name, because, just for the hell of it, I tried "Microsoft Rules" and it didn't work, either.

AOL did the same thing.

X-Chat is l33t
Gaim is l33t
Openoffice is l33t
Mozilla/Galeon is l33t
Gnome is l33t
The GNU Utilitys is l33t
GCC/glibc is l33t
XFree86 is l33t

Not GNU/Linux

but GNU/XConsortum/Mozilla/Openoffice/Linux

Well, I'm on Linux right now (and I don't know the password to the e-mail I signed up for my other account with, so I can't set up the account on here yet to get my random gen password) Red Hat 8.0. Wine does run mIRC, but it's still very buggy (for now I'm using X-Chat, but no copy/paste  :( ), and the only thing that actually sucks about mIRC is the fact that it's only coded for Windows. So far I'm less than impressed, it didn't auto mount my Windows  partition, unlike other Distro's, and in fact Red Hat 7.0 auto configed, so I had to manually configure mtab and fstab. XMMS won't play any of my MP3's and Midi from Windows, even after I copied them to my Linux hard drive, and sound is working. The fonts still suck badly, and I sorly miss Times New Roman. At least wine was an optional package, so no manual downloading/installed which is a bitch, and it's set up to run .exe files auto. I'm sure I'll come along more stuff that sucks, but I'm going to try my best to stick with it in the long run, each day Microsoft pisses me off more and more.

To copy text in X just select the text you want to copy. To paste it use the middle mouse button.

And the main reason mirc sucks is that it's not free software. And if it were, there would be ports for other systems.


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