Miscellaneous > Applications

Blocking browsers....

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quote:Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
Or you could just join the Anti Clock Crew. Much simpler.
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BUt i dont have too much against the CLock Crew except the fact that your in it.

What you should do berry, is get a butterknife and shove it up your ass bitch.


Master of Reality:
or... you could tell me where you live berry, and i'll come over there and shove your computer monitor down your throat. Then i could kick you in the ass so hard, your nose will bleed. Then i will use your tongue to paint my room.

.....who's the bigger asshole now?


quote:Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
X11, With IE6 and XP, I was able to get into your site, not re-directed to the index3.
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Damn. i just checked statistics only 1 count for IE 60/XP so we seem too be fine.
Now all IE user divert to my add and make me a bit
of cash...  And plese paypal me money.

I also wrote a document on WHY you should be using LINUX ITS HERE I didnt block IE users from it.


"Mirror Mirror, on the wall... whos the bigest asshole of them all"
"You are X11 becuase you just updated your site and now Intenet Explorer users make you a few cents."

Master of Reality:
i got a tough choice to make.
to send users of IE to a truly evil place (microsoft.com)
or send them to a nice welcoming haven (fuckmicrosoft.com)

Master of Reality:
remember to do as evil things possible to this IP: Its the secretive cunts IP.
I have been using nmap on it for about an hour now. Scanning in every way possible, taking up his bandwith, and soon i will try to syn flood it.


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