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Frontpage doesn't like TT tags

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h4x0ring j00 p4nts!

<checks p4nts>, nope, they're fine!  :D

link to your fucking images, mate. think of all the people on dialup! you should know better by now...

[ November 22, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

HTML is easy and I agree with bazoukas. However a good and open source WYSIWYG editor like Mozilla Composer, can also help by showing you what you have written, let alone the fact that you can switch it to HTML code and work there. As far as simple HTML editors are concerned though, VIM is THE BEST!


quote:Originally posted by X11 / BOB: The croc hunter:
link to your fucking images, mate. think of all the people on dialup! you should know better by now...

[ November 22, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
--- End quote ---

Its a small image, and everybody should visit www.belg88.com and have it in there cache already!  ;)


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