Author Topic: Good Introduction to Mozilla (for IE users etc)  (Read 1223 times)


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Good Introduction to Mozilla (for IE users etc)
« on: 16 January 2004, 22:48 »
somebody asked not long ago (a couple of days) if there was a good online document for users of IE, to show them the features in mozilla like tabbed browsing etc to get them to switch, and the besti could come up with was the 101 things mozilla does that IE can't page. well, here's the new beginners' manual from for mozilla 1.5. This is EXACTLY what whoever it was that asked for that thing is looking for. i can't find the original post so i hope whoever asked sees this, it's a good resource anyway, if you want to get IE users to switch. the document is currently at or try the homepage of the manual at in case the URL of the file has changed since i posted this.
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Good Introduction to Mozilla (for IE users etc)
« Reply #1 on: 16 January 2004, 23:22 »
I really don't see what's so hard about switching to another browser. I remember having used Explorer for a while, then I heard about Opera, which is much more different than Mozilla, and I switched immediately. Right now I'm in FreeBSD, using either Konqueror or Firebird, and even when I'm in Windoze I see no use for Explorer.

By the way, happy 6000th post, Calum!


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Good Introduction to Mozilla (for IE users etc)
« Reply #2 on: 16 January 2004, 23:43 »
well somebody asked and while i agree with you, if they have managed to fill a whole document with new information, there are bound to be people it;s useful to, and mozilla and things like it are the way in to open source software for a lot of windoids.

people need a hand to move away from IE, and from there it;s only a matter of time...

re: 6000th post, COOL! i thought MoR would have overtaken me in posts since my long leave of absence, but he's still down in the 4000s! so i still have officially got the most posts on this board i think! the only person to ever have more than me, after the first few weeks anyway was void main, and of course when he stopped posting here i overtook him quick smart, although i never intentionally did it.

in fact does X11 have more posts than me? i doubt it but i wouldn't be surprised... nope, he's in his 4000s too! i feel so lonely out here in 6000 land!
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Good Introduction to Mozilla (for IE users etc)
« Reply #3 on: 17 January 2004, 00:39 »
Someday I'll be there, and then you can celebrate your 16,000th post . . .


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Good Introduction to Mozilla (for IE users etc)
« Reply #4 on: 18 January 2004, 10:32 »
I had a perl script a while ago that could raise my posts to 10000 without people noticeing, by creating, then deleteing new threads in an area i mod.


I got it somewhere on the interweb, maybe I should find it again.