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My favorite computer Game

[ August 11, 2003: Message edited by: suselinux ]

Half Life... combined with my favorite mod for half life.. The specialists.  Some kick ass fun.  Tried it in Wine and WineX.  Then I told Linux to suck it and replaced Linux with BeOS... been much happier ever since.

Specialists gets a bit dull after a while, all you do is run around and shoot stuff.  Now DoD, theres a mod.  Involves a lot more tactics than TS for a start.

My favorites:
Quake (1 only)
Doom 2 (and plutonia, tnt wads)
Descent 2
Starcraft (Warcraft 3 is crap...)


quote:Originally posted by suselinux:
My favorite computer Game

--- End quote ---

XP isn't a good game.  There is no way to win.


quote:Originally posted by Faust:
Specialists gets a bit dull after a while, all you do is run around and shoot stuff.  Now DoD, theres a mod.  Involves a lot more tactics than TS for a start.
--- End quote ---

I don't think I could ever get bored of TS.  DoD is good but they took away Hill.  And that was like the only good map.


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