Author Topic: Can no longer run mspaint  (Read 2443 times)


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Can no longer run mspaint
« on: 26 June 2003, 13:20 »
This is probably the most annoying thing that has ever happened to me (I didn't realize how much I relyed on ms-paint)..

I was using the SetWindowLong with GWL_STYLE and GWL_EXSTYLE params to change buttons and crap into application windows because I was bored :|

Long story short, I was messing with the window styles in MS PAINT, closed the program, and since then can no longer run it without getting a crash.

I've tried uninstalling paint via control panel /w windows components and then reinstalling, i've searched long and hard in the registry.. MY PAINT DOESNT WORK HELP ME =O (Or at least tell me a DECENT, simple alternative application that behaves in a similar fashion)  :(

This kind of crap would only happen on Windows XP Pro... (It doesn't seem to screw up Windows 98 Paint, wonder why?)

Doctor V

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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #1 on: 26 June 2003, 19:22 »
Originally posted by anphanax:
Long story short, I was messing with the window styles in MS PAINT, closed the program, and since then can no longer run it without getting a crash.

Get used to this kinda crap happening when you run M$ products.

I've tried uninstalling paint via control panel /w windows components and then reinstalling, i've searched long and hard in the registry.. MY PAINT DOESNT WORK HELP ME =O (Or at least tell me a DECENT, simple alternative application that behaves in a similar fashion)    :(  

Have you ever heard of The Gimp?  Its a perfect free alternative, much more advanced than mspaint, but still very easy to use.  You can't lose with The Gimp  

[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: Doctor V: Gentoo Lunatic ]


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #2 on: 26 June 2003, 23:30 »
Yeah get the gimp.  Very nice app, certainly a lot more powerful than paint.  (Shutup you goons, no one said the "P" word.  ;)  ) Oh and Windows is crap.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #3 on: 27 June 2003, 00:10 »
Whoah... Wait... He wants paint to run?!?


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #4 on: 27 June 2003, 07:45 »
The reason I said this is simple.

Fireworks, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, Etc... They aren't simplistic enough. I dont need a faded brush with textures that takes forever to configure with hard-to-resize canvas..

I actually like ms paint, regardless of this problem, because it's such a SIMPLE editor, it only has what I need, and not a bunch of fancy crap I dont. (I should be able to draw a rectangle without having to disable vectors every time I need one, I just want some good old fashioned 16-bit bitmaps.)

There's a Windows version of Gimp? From what I've heard Gimp is crap (chatrooms on AIM :\). I will check it out, or just cave and do something else. (I caved, n/m)

[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

[ June 26, 2003: Message edited by: anphanax ]

Doctor V

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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #5 on: 27 June 2003, 19:18 »
Originally posted by anphanax:
There's a Windows version of Gimp? From what I've heard Gimp is crap (chatrooms on AIM :\). I will check it out, or just cave and do something else.

First, I can attest that The Gimp does not suck.  Its every bit as good as photohop, PSP, and the like.  However, after reading your post I have come to think that The Gimp is not exactly what you are looking for.  It is much more complicated than m$paint.  I will somthing different to you now: Kpaint.  Its very very simple, and should be exactly the type of app. that you want to use.  However, like The Gimp, there is no windows version.  You did know that these are the Microsoft Eradication Society Forums didn't you.  If your only interested in Windows apps, you're probably better off looking somewhere else.


edit: making my post more readable

[ June 27, 2003: Message edited by: Doctor V: Gentoo Lunatic ]


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #6 on: 28 June 2003, 00:50 »
Originally posted by Doctor V: Gentoo Lunatic:

First, I can attest that The Gimp does not suck.  Its every bit as good as photohop, PSP, and the like.  However, after reading your post I have come to think that The Gimp is not exactly what you are looking for.  It is much more complicated than m$paint.  I will somthing different to you now: Kpaint.  Its very very simple, and should be exactly the type of app. that you want to use.  However, like The Gimp, there is no windows version. You did know that these are the Microsoft Eradication Society Forums didn't you.  If your only interested in Windows apps, you're probably better off looking somewhere else.


edit: making my post more readable

[ June 27, 2003: Message edited by: Doctor V: Gentoo Lunatic ]

What? There *IS* a Windows version of The GIMP. See for yourself. The GIMP is not as good or better than Adobe Photoshop...not by a longshot.
The GIMP doesn't even have CMYK support. The GIMP is merely a toy.


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #7 on: 28 June 2003, 01:35 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

What? There *IS* a Windows version of The GIMP. See for yourself. The GIMP is not as good or better than Adobe Photoshop...not by a longshot.
The GIMP doesn't even have CMYK support. The GIMP is merely a toy.

that's a bit too harsh. I agree, it's not as good as photoshop, but as an RGB image editor, it's fantastic!

You CAN do anything you can do with Photoshop in the GIMP when it comes to "fotr screen" work. You don't need fancy filters, and any designer worth his salt will tell you that filters are for amatures and grandmas.

So ya, GIMP is great for RGB work. But for pro. web development and print graphics, I have to agree with Zombie4654564 it's deiffinetly very underdeveloped.

Tho I think even Zombie will agree that for a free program, it's pretty darn good, and way the hell better than M$Paint.

Doctor V

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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #8 on: 28 June 2003, 02:18 »
I take it back, I though it didn't run on windows.  :eek:   All that fancy filter stuff is way beyond me.  To a non-artist, they are the same.  Gimp gets the job done for me at least.  I don't think Kpaint runs on windows, so you still should still make the switch.  Kpaint should come with any Linux that has KDE (most of them do).


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #9 on: 3 July 2003, 14:41 »
I'm sorry but this is just absolutley crazy, as has been said this IS The Microsoft Eradication Society. This site is not here to support or even condone the use of Microsoft products, full stop. It is not here as a forum for M$ technical support of which it seems to require a lot. The answear is simple don't even touch Microsoft products, in doing so you are supporting them and their tactics. If you must taint yourself with M$ crap and have a problem go to a board were peole give a fuck about M$Paint. Not here :mad:    :mad:    :mad:    :mad:    :mad:    :mad:    :mad:    :mad:
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #10 on: 3 July 2003, 14:55 »
Originally posted by anphanax:
This is probably the most annoying thing that has ever happened to me (I didn't realize how much I relyed on ms-paint)..

I was using the SetWindowLong with GWL_STYLE and GWL_EXSTYLE params to change buttons and crap into application windows because I was bored :|

Long story short, I was messing with the window styles in MS PAINT, closed the program, and since then can no longer run it without getting a crash.

I've tried uninstalling paint via control panel /w windows components and then reinstalling, i've searched long and hard in the registry.. MY PAINT DOESNT WORK HELP ME =O (Or at least tell me a DECENT, simple alternative application that behaves in a similar fashion)   :(  

This kind of crap would only happen on Windows XP Pro... (It doesn't seem to screw up Windows 98 Paint, wonder why?)

This would have been a fine thread if you didn't ask for help getting it to work, or a windows alternative. Complaining about microsoft is welcome, asking for support is not. Because of this, I would have thrown this in the bin. I'm surprised it has lasted this long. Before you post, please consider whether or not it is appropriate for this forum.


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #11 on: 4 July 2003, 10:28 »
Another good paint program is futurpaint 2.0 but it may only be for mac
just say know


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #12 on: 5 July 2003, 08:50 »

OMFG .....


put linux on your comp or get a mac .... just get rid of windows ...
All your base are belong to us.


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #13 on: 25 July 2003, 12:36 »
As a note to anyone else who screws up paint
on Windows.

For some reason, even after uninstalling paint,
windows left all of it's crap in the registry.

I thought uninstalling things meant removing
useless registry entries that are no longer

Also, I am amazed, as it seems (with the exception of OpenOffice which sucks) that whenever I use a non-ms product, it typically does more and does so in a way that well...  PAINT SHOP PRO 6 > PBRUSH. Palette Editor <3


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Can no longer run mspaint
« Reply #14 on: 25 July 2003, 12:47 »
I just found something called X paint...I didn't find it it was always there, but I have started using it.  Its very similar to Cumguzlersoft Paint
except it has a few more features.  I like it, its great if you need to make a quick diagram or something.