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Do I have to uninstall the current version of Mozilla to download the newest version?


I just thought I would ask cause version 1.5 of mozilla is going to be released soon and I wanted to know if I have to uninstall the old version before I download the new version.

[ September 28, 2003: Message edited by: nintendo ]

Doctor V:

You don't have to uninstall before you download.  If you use the linux version of the mozilla installer, it will want to wipe the old version (MAKE SURE your current mozilla lives IN A SEPARATE DIRECTORY (e.g. not /usr/bin)before allowing it to wipe the old install).

RPM install and windows install will simply update the current version.

Well, it would probably be a REALLY good idea to uninstall older versions of mozilla first, unless u plan on installing it to a different directory.  It is NOT RECOMENDED to install builds on top of one another.  I did that one time, and it screwed up my ability to install Mozilla on that computer entirely.


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