Author Topic: Email Help!  (Read 1341 times)


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Email Help!
« on: 7 September 2002, 21:14 »
I have 2 computers networked together through a router. Basically, one is for my wife to use which has XP on it and the other one had RedHat 7.3 on it, which is the one that I use all the time. She doen't want anything to do with Linux and insists that I keep XP running for her. She also uses Outlook Express for email. Here lately she has been getting many email worms and viruses. I want to know what someone would recommend to use instead of Outlook Express or Outlook for email that isn't as prone to worms and viruses? Also, a good recommendation for some good virus software would be nice. Right now I have Kerspersky Anti-virus installed, it notifies me of the worm or virus, but when it does it is already on the computer. It doesn't get rid of it before it gets on the computer. Any and all info is greatly appreciated.



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Email Help!
« Reply #1 on: 7 September 2002, 21:28 »
first of all, I would recommend for you to get an old computer and stick two ehernet cards in it -- one for the modem to connect to, the other one to connect to the router as the modem (that way it will be a barrier between your network and the internet) and let it act as a firewall, proxy and mail server (you could configure it to block out bogus emails). If that can't be accomplished, I'd suggest the Eudora email client, or the Mozilla / Netscape one. As for antivirus software, I've found Panda Antivirus to be bery good, catching more viruses then Symantec's anti-virus and featuring free updates for life.


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Email Help!
« Reply #2 on: 7 September 2002, 21:50 »
Thanks for your response. I have my computers connected going through a Linksys Router/Switch/Firewall then out through the cable modem. I don't have an extra computer or the money right now for your suggestion, but thanks for the info. I will try out Eudora and the Panda Anti-virus.



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« Reply #3 on: 7 September 2002, 22:51 »
Using Outlook Express for your email is indeed a *very* bad idea. (I'm sure you already told your wife  :D )

I've heard about Evolution being the best non-M$-but-still-looks-like-outlook email client out
there. I've never touched it, but you could give it a shot.

Did you purchase your router? I thought it was possible to make your linux computer your 'barrier between network and 'net' (it's called IP Masquerading), so you don't have to buy an old one. On the XP box you only have to supply a gateway adress. And linux will run fine, and act as your masq box at a time.
Linux user #283039

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« Reply #4 on: 8 September 2002, 00:59 »
That would require his linux computer to be on 24/7, and that's probably not what he wants. And Evolution is only for *nix.

[ September 07, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]


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Email Help!
« Reply #5 on: 9 September 2002, 02:46 »
Yes, I did purchase the router. I have had it since February. I usually am connected 24/7.
