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AAAAAAA!!!!! HELP! HELP! HELP! Partitioning problem!!!
hello, last night i used the dos version of partitionmagic on my drive because i needed to resize my linux partition because the windows one had 2Gb spare and the linux partition needed an extra 2Gb.
To cut a long story short my final partition (a FAT32 partition has been changed by partitionmagic into a 'PcRP' type: 60 partition magic recovery partition. This is not accessible using either linux or windows, or even by using any of the 3 versions of partition magic that i have. I suspect there is a way to compile support for this partition type into the kernel but WHAT IS IT!?!?!?? a google search tells me little, and what it does tell me seems to be in german, or something.
How do we do this? how do we recompile our kernel? what needs to be installed to do this and what is the syntax needed. Also, does anybody happen to know if this type 60 partition is supported in any way? ye gods, this is the worst time too. All the data for an article that my girlfriend needs to write is on there and it needs to be done today. We are having to do the research and so on again. Even so it would be nice to recover this data for a number of reasons.
I know this is a bit of a specialised subject but please help on anything i have raised here if you can, maybe i can piece together the information and come up with a solution.
Thank you very much in advance.
Master of Reality:
What the hell did you do??!#$%%#@*&%#$@#!!!?
Thats what you get for using a windows product rather than fdisk in Linux.
[ September 29, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
I cant help Calum, but I lost 8Gb (Yes 8Gb!) of data this friday. What I'm saying is, I know how you feel :(
JESUS Calum, how did you do that :eek: ? This is a very specialised question indeed, to which I'm afraid that I don't have the answer, sorry :rolleyes: . Perhaps, void main can help.
Well I don't know what that type of partition is, but I would venture to guess that if Parition Magic changed that partition to a different type, chances are that it also messed with the underlying file system. You may get lucky and hope Parition Magic did not mess with the data. If it did not, then all you should have to do is boot into Linux type "# fdisk /dev/hda" (if that's the drive you screwed up your partition on), and change the "type" back to FAT32 and "w"rite the changes. If the partition in question is the second partion on the first disk your fdisk session might go like this:
--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
Now, there are a couple of FAT32 types I used "b" from the list but unless you know what the type was before it could be "b", "c", or if it's an extended partition it might be "f". Try "b" first, if that don't work try the others. But I wouldn't hold my breath that Partition Magic didn't f00k it up.
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