Miscellaneous > Applications

AAAAAAA!!!!! HELP! HELP! HELP! Partitioning problem!!!

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Are you getting an error?
Partiton Magic's "Master Error List" LOL!

Their FAQ's

Erm...did you call/e-mail support or RTFM? Sorry to say it, but it helps usually. Especially when the site says dick about anything...even just "recovery partition"

Sorry to be of so little help


Edit: Ah, here we go:

If that doesn't help, try this:

[ September 29, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]

thank you very much, guys, for rallying round like this. Muffin man, your third link appears to detail exactly what is wrong with my partition, i will try that method when i get home this evening. If not, i will move on to the other solutions you guys postulated. It never actually ocurred to me to go to power quest for an answer! To be safe i am downloading pqedit from ftp://FTP.PowerQuest.com/pub/utilities/ for this purpose. Not really willing to trust my old partitionmagic disks...

We had to do the work from scratch as it was due today, and in an effort to recompile my kernel i have now made my linux side practically unbootable too (thankfully used the bootdisk to recover the files once we realised the kernel was not booting.

Mandrake CD not too helpful when it comes to reinstalling kernel on its own, so maybe a reinstall is necessary <sigh> i love computers...

once again, thanks guys, for going to the effort to help me.

Re: fdisk (for linux) how nondestructive is it? can it be used on a system that is running off the hard drive or need the system be running off a floppy or CD to use fdisk? I seem to remember deciding not to use fdisk in favour of pqmagic a long time ago, and i haven't thought about it since. Maybe now is time for a rethink...

[ September 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Master of Reality:
Fdisk is great. It is non-destructive if used properly and it can be run on the harddrive and even delete the partition you are running on (changes wont start till you restart though).

All you gotta do to fix your problem is exactly what void main told you in fdisk.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:
thank you very much, guys, for rallying round like this. Muffin man, your third link appears to detail exactly what is wrong with my partition, i will try that method when i get home this evening. If not, i will move on to the other solutions you guys postulated. It never actually ocurred to me to go to power quest for an answer! To be safe i am downloading pqedit from ftp://FTP.PowerQuest.com/pub/utilities/ for this purpose. Not really willing to trust my old partitionmagic disks...

We had to do the work from scratch as it was due today, and in an effort to recompile my kernel i have now made my linux side practically unbootable too (thankfully used the bootdisk to recover the files once we realised the kernel was not booting.

Mandrake CD not too helpful when it comes to reinstalling kernel on its own, so maybe a reinstall is necessary <sigh> i love computers...

once again, thanks guys, for going to the effort to help me.

Re: fdisk (for linux) how nondestructive is it? can it be used on a system that is running off the hard drive or need the system be running off a floppy or CD to use fdisk? I seem to remember deciding not to use fdisk in favour of pqmagic a long time ago, and i haven't thought about it since. Maybe now is time for a rethink...

[ September 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
--- End quote ---

I hope we learned from this experience; DON"T fuck with a working system unless it's unavoidable; DO backup everything you consider to be something you don't want to loose BEFORE you press 'ENTER'.


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