Author Topic: Word.  (Read 2761 times)


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« on: 31 May 2002, 22:50 »
I am trying to help someone invoke M$ Word. When the user invokes the application, PC goes into freefall and has to be rebooted. Did the uninstall, re install process. Why the phuck would that happen ? Word processing has been around for 20 years, surely to phuck they could get that to work ?? Or am I expecting too much ?
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Master of Reality

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« Reply #1 on: 1 June 2002, 00:19 »
If you really want to know the reason; its because windows and other microsoft products are pieces of shit.
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« Reply #2 on: 1 June 2002, 01:21 »
HibbeeBoy: Or am I expecting too much ?

I expected too much out of Windows when I was young... you just can't expect anything from it, except formatting and reiinstalling


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« Reply #3 on: 1 June 2002, 01:42 »
So, M$ can sell Office for $300+ per copy and if it doesn't work, I have to accept that and move on ?? Say it isn't so. No, once I have explained this to tech support, I am sure a refund check will be mailed out with a sincere letter of apology enclosed from Mr Gates. The last time I had to return a defective product (a kitchen appliance) the supplier took care of it right away. I am sure M$ are no exception.
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« Reply #4 on: 1 June 2002, 01:46 »
Originally posted by HibbeeBoy:
So, M$ can sell Office for $300+ per copy and if it doesn't work, I have to accept that and move on ?? Say it isn't so. No, once I have explained this to tech support, I am sure a refund check will be mailed out with a sincere letter of apology enclosed from Mr Gates. The last time I had to return a defective product (a kitchen appliance) the supplier took care of it right away. I am sure M$ are no exception.

thats hilarious! MS doenst care about any of its customers. They will probably sue you just for saying that their product is defective. There is a free office suite that is better than MS office, Its called openoffice. OpenOffice 1.0 is free. StarOffice (the proprietary version of Openoffice) has a couple additional features and costs only $40.

[ May 31, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

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« Reply #5 on: 1 June 2002, 01:58 »
And OpenOffice ans StarOffice don't support the majority of Macros.  Macros a bits of code tha some people use to make their documents look better.  OpenOffice and StarOffice not supporting the majority of them is a really good thing though, seeing as macros are one of the most common ways of spreading viruses on the Windows OS.

OpenOffice is about 75% compatible with MS Office files.  It would be more if it weren't for the macro issue.

Oh and MS Office usually works.  But MS hardly ever listens to its customers and loves to keep bugs under wraps so that no-one knows about them.  In this way they don't fix most bugs.  Office XP still has some bugs from Office 97.

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« Reply #6 on: 1 June 2002, 02:07 »
about the refund... i doubt you will get anything. According to the windows EULA, if you buy a computer with windows pre-loaded you can get a full refund if you:
1. turn on your conmputer
2. read the EULA
3. turn off your computer
4. remove windows
5. go back to the store and ask for a refund.
6. if ^that doesnt work go to microsoft for a refund
7. if ^that doesnt work sue microsoft
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« Reply #7 on: 1 June 2002, 03:13 »
What a bunch of cynics on here ! As soon as I am put through to tech support (I am currently on hold-have been for 35 minutes) I am sure all this will be straightened out in no time. In fact, I am willing to bet that it is something stupid I did to cause the problem or the PC I bought is not up to snuff or I didn't insert the installation CD wearing an MS Certified polo shirt. Oh yes, it won't be long now. I am have been informed that my call is VERY IMPORTANT to them. You will see.
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« Reply #8 on: 1 June 2002, 06:59 »
What are you on man?


Master of Reality

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« Reply #9 on: 1 June 2002, 07:17 »
sounds to me like demerol.... and its wearing off.
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« Reply #10 on: 1 June 2002, 16:41 »
Originally posted by HibbeeBoy:
[QB]What a bunch of cynics on here ! As soon as I am put through to tech support (I am currently on hold-have been for 35 minutes) I am sure all this will be straightened out in no time.
Yes well you obviously are wearing more than your fair share of rose coloured spectacles. 35 minutes? useless. And as you saw earlier, the EULA that you agreed to when you handed over the money for this software does not require Microsoft to give you any help whatsoever.  
In fact, I am willing to bet that it is something stupid I did to cause the problem or the PC I bought is not up to snuff or I didn't insert the installation CD wearing an MS Certified polo shirt.
You did one very stupid thing. Buying Microsoft products, because you can say bye bye to your money and time right there.  
Oh yes, it won't be long now. I am have been informed that my call is VERY IMPORTANT to them. You will see.

I feel very sorry that there is no way for you to prove that they have dealt with you fairly. When you get no help from them, and after a few days of being given the runaround. You could still come back on here and say how great they are because you are too embarrased to admint you were wrong. M$ does not give a shit about you. Face it.

OK then, what was the eventual outcome of this fantastic service that was worth waiting so long for?
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« Reply #11 on: 2 June 2002, 02:16 »
I bet he's still on hold.  
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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« Reply #12 on: 2 June 2002, 02:24 »
Well, we'll never hear from him again, that's for sure, because he won't admit he was wrong. I betcha.

That guy reminds me of Rincewind, with his "I'm sure there must be some reasonable explanation for all this" attitude...
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« Reply #13 on: 2 June 2002, 02:33 »
Holy crap Calum. You passed me up. You were drafting me pretty well for the last couple of weeks and then flew by on turn 4. (message count).
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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« Reply #14 on: 2 June 2002, 03:06 »
it's funny, i never actually noticed! this happened on another forum i moderate too! we have a really prolific poster guy and i lapped him! he was quite shocked! I feel a bit guilty actually  ;)  as i think it behooves me to shut up a bit since i am a moderator and all that crap, but then i think, aw who cares!  :D

Anyway, you've been quite relaxed of late, i like to think that you're doing something more interesting than posting on forums, and not something more tedious and urgent!
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