Miscellaneous > Applications


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I have a work around your problem.  Have each of the employees bring a dish thats name starts with the first letter of the employees last name. There is a chance you could get a duplicate dish or two but unlikely.  Then download and install a copy of OpenOffice for next year's picnic. Send your copy of Word back to Microsoft and demand your money back (don't count on getting it though). Open office can be downloaded from http://www.openoffice.org/ for free.

Yes, Hibs through and through. You need a sense of humour supporting them !

so where do you stay then? you must be just up the road? i stay in the haymarket area...

Come along to binkies, i'll be playing there this evening, and say hello...

(you are probably a hibs fan in guatemala, or something now i have said that!)

I support Dunfermline Athletic actually...

I'm actually in Los Angeles. I'm originally from Leith. I see the Pars took Brewster which is a shame for Hibs 'cos he was doing a decent job for us. Not scoring goals though but still making an impact.

Anyway, I am going to give up on this Word problem. I can't waste my day waiting on them answering the phone. I'm not going to the picnic anyway so I don't give a f**k.

that's the spirit! might as well get either OpenOffice or 602ProOffice anyway, they are both free, and can both be installed easily, even on windows.


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