Miscellaneous > Applications
help with the f**** messenger!
Try asking at www.windowsbbs.com.
quote:jifon: ok, i did some HUGE mistake (besides still working on windows) - i upgraded the fuckin messenger in xp to the newest version, and ever since i can get rid of it!!!
i know all the basic tricks- i tried to delete the "hide" in the sysos.inf file, i tried to disable the service from services.msc, tried to install the older version, system restore and of course from the msconfig but that fuckin messenger just dont want to go away!!
even if i close the session from the task manager it comes again by itself..
i have the norton firewall, so i tried to block those messenger files, but the firewall applies automatic rules from them cuz they are from "trasted" company..
i really dont want to install all over again, and it's late for ghost..
so if anyone have an idea pleaase message me!!!
thank you all!!!!
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Promise to switch to Linux... OK here it is:
Click here
With this programme, you can remove Windows Messenger and block more crap that comes with Windows XtraProblems.
[EDIT]Only too bad the programme is in Dutch only [/EDIT]
[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]
they never switch to linux if you help them with their windoid problems... ;)
quote:Originally posted by jifon:
ok, i did some HUGE mistake (besides still working on windows) - i upgraded the fuckin messenger in xp to the newest version, and ever since i can get rid of it!!!
i know all the basic tricks- i tried to delete the "hide" in the sysos.inf file, i tried to disable the service from services.msc, tried to install the older version, system restore and of course from the msconfig but that fuckin messenger just dont want to go away!!
even if i close the session from the task manager it comes again by itself..
i have the norton firewall, so i tried to block those messenger files, but the firewall applies automatic rules from them cuz they are from "trasted" company..
i really dont want to install all over again, and it's late for ghost..
so if anyone have an idea pleaase message me!!!
thank you all!!!!
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i use AMSN instead, it has no spyware and is 100% reliable. you can get it from http://amsn.sourceforge.net/
[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: Calum-21.2 ]
There is a patch to fix that, the copy of XP at www.getnewos.cjb.net has no MSN or IE in it at all.
right click on 'my computer', go to 'manage', go down to services then services inside that, scroll down to messenger, right click and select 'properties' select disable.
you're talking about those popups that go "Message from gayporno.net, you look like you want some porno, go here" right?
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