Author Topic: Stuffit Expander 8.0  (Read 1331 times)


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Stuffit Expander 8.0
« on: 2 November 2003, 02:24 »
Today I decided to go try out WireTap. After I downloaded and expanded it, I couldn't use the package. It kept saying something about a problem with the installer script. I looked at a bit and found out that there's a problem with the way that Expander expands archives with applications, it doesn't set permissions correctly. The only way to fix it is to go into the terminal and type "chmod -R 755 application_name". You can also simplify it with the following AppleScript. Anybody else have this problem?

Code: [Select]

By the way, I added the part about installer in case you accidently try to use whatever appliction before fixing it and leave the installer open. For some reason, if you open it with the installer before fixing it, and fix it, it still won't work.