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Apple Quicktime player sucks!

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There is no excuse for this. Look at the CPU and memory usage difference between Quicktime and Windows Media Player 8 playing the very same video clip.


Windows Media Player

I'll also add that Windows Media Player has better video image quality(especially in full screen) plus I like how WMP has the slide off screen controls in full screen(to reduce the clutter in your viewing area).

[ March 30, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Maybe on a PC, but on a Mac the results are clearly oposite. Nothing changes that fact that WMP is total spyware and its proprietary streaming format sux ass compared to QT and RM.

Image quality on QT is way better than WMP (high quality stream and a fast conection of course   ), reqular fully d-loaded movies don't chop up like they tend to on WMP.


Anyway, If your trying to piss people off by posting big images ok, but if you actully want to encurage debate and the like, please just add a reqular link to your post so we can d-load the images at our lesure. Thanx.

Ummm, 96k images aren't large. If I wanted to piss people off I would post bitmaps d00d.      ;)    

If it is the opposite for a Mac then explain why when you have a few videos open at the same time on a Mac the system slows down to a crawl whereas on a PC you can have tons of different video windows open and the PC still performs at full speed.

Windows Media format is a hell of alot better than Real format. Real video looks like shit and the audio in real video/real audio clips sound like shit. QT format isn't much better.

[ March 30, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Tried it. Opend 6 .mpg files avaraging around 2MB each under OSX 10.1.3, while it didn't play all the sounds simultaneously (that is the sound only played on the window which was active), all movies continued playing without droping a frame. System lag was nil outside of QT, and no serious slowdown occured. Now, in OS 9, that would be a diffrent story of course   .

I was referring to OS9 because I haven't really had a chance to play around with X yet. I forgot that X has better multi-tasking support so you are probably right on that count. I still think that Real format and QT format sucks....BTW, I'm not big on WMP format either. I like my Mpegs and MP3s. ;P

The point of this post was to show how lousy Apple codes thier software.


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