Author Topic: MSN messenger upgrade  (Read 2562 times)


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MSN messenger upgrade
« on: 10 December 2001, 22:09 »
MSN messenger forces you to upgrade. I don't want to upgrade because of all that .NET crap MS is putting into it, but I had the options of yes and no (choosing no will make it so that it asks you again next time you start it) and you can choose don't ask me again for one week. But you don't have the option of not upgrading at all.
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #1 on: 11 December 2001, 04:37 »
Originally posted by BadKarma:
MSN messenger forces you to upgrade. I don't want to upgrade because of all that .NET crap MS is putting into it, but I had the options of yes and no (choosing no will make it so that it asks you again next time you start it) and you can choose don't ask me again for one week. But you don't have the option of not upgrading at all.

I wouldn't want to give the impressions that I know anything about MS OSs and if I were fulfilling my !MS duty I would say "Why the hell are you using MSN?!?" or "No you can't stop it from happening, another Microsoft Monopoly in the making...." but I'll spare that sort of answer.  I would be willing to bet there is a registry key where if flipped from a "1" to a "0" would stop the annoying popup if it's like anything else they have.  I'm not going to put forth the effort to search the web for the answer to this though, I'm sure you can do this on your own (I doubt you'll find it on microsoft's KB though since they would rather have you upgrade and be stuck with their .NET shit).  I digress, reformat your hard drive and put a decent OS on it, and if you can't do that at LEAST stop using MSN.   Please!!
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #2 on: 15 December 2001, 05:53 »
Its just like they want everybody to buy Windows XP so they will get lots of $$$.  They stopped making newer version of IE for 3.x so they would be forced to upgrade soon if they want to surf the web....  They also stopped making newer versions Windows Media Player for Windows 95... So if Windows 95 users want the pretty, unstable new Media Player 7, they will be forced to upgrade to Windows 98, ME or XP...  They are secretly forcing everyone to upgrade....  They say "Windows 95, 98 and ME are all unstable! Get Windows XP!"  When they released all those OSes though, they said "They are the most stable thing EVER!"  Just think about this....


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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #3 on: 6 January 2002, 04:04 »
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #4 on: 15 January 2002, 20:19 »
I think Media player 7 blows goats and sucks donkeys.
Media player 6 is better, but of course this is all relative...
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #5 on: 15 January 2002, 20:24 »
all my mates use msn, so i do due to 'compatibility issues'
of course they all use msn for the same reason. Catch 22.
Until recently we all had icq too, but it is even more unstable than msn, or aol messenger or yahoo, come to think of it.
Well, msn is the only real option as we're all running Windows, i am sure there are tons of non top heavy alternatives for other OSes.
Still, as i mentioned before, i can't get my proprietary laptop screen to work using Linux so that's why i am running a crappy M$ OS. Nevermind...
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #6 on: 20 January 2002, 18:55 »
Originally posted by Calum:
all my mates use msn, so i do due to 'compatibility issues'
of course they all use msn for the same reason. Catch 22.
Until recently we all had icq too, but it is even more unstable than msn, or aol messenger or yahoo, come to think of it.
Well, msn is the only real option as we're all running Windows, i am sure there are tons of non top heavy alternatives for other OSes.
Still, as i mentioned before, i can't get my proprietary laptop screen to work using Linux so that's why i am running a crappy M$ OS. Nevermind...

Well, Calum, perhaps you should ditch the monolithic hunk of crap msn and replace it with trillian or jabber. they work, they're free. they dont nag you to upgrade.
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #7 on: 29 January 2002, 08:23 »
I use fire for mac os x, which is kind of like trillian. It certainly beats the hell out of using their junky client (especially on the Mac, where it seems to give connection priority to Win32 clients and not others...).

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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #8 on: 1 February 2002, 10:44 »
i trudged through the registry and couldn't find any key that realtes to the update thingy
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #9 on: 1 February 2002, 23:22 »
They say "Windows 95, 98 and ME are all unstable! Get
                      Windows XP!" When they released all those OSes though, they said "They are the most
                      stable thing EVER!" Just think about this....  

That's exactly what I did. I thought about it, then I went to and ordered the Mandrake CD set ($5.95 + S&H - helluva lot less expensive than an XP upgrade (is that an oxymoron or what?)    ) No problem.
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #10 on: 2 February 2002, 17:46 »
i saw the new version of msn on my friends pc.
it is really crap.
it's just a huge advert to their "amazing" .NET shit.
Microsoft Sucks.


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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #11 on: 6 February 2002, 02:17 »
Read this:

And you people continue to use and trust MS in any way?!?
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #12 on: 6 February 2002, 14:23 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Read this:

And you people continue to use and trust MS in any way?!?

haha ... why does this not surprise me at all?  :D
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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #13 on: 7 February 2002, 07:28 »
I'm wondering who's the bigger asshole -- AOL or Microsoft?  As of today, non-AIM clients (again) can't get onto AIM.  I'm trying it from Fire on OS X, and it can't log on.  People I know who are using Trillian report the same thing.

I'd register, but . . . gee, how interesting -- they registered it themselves.


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MSN messenger upgrade
« Reply #14 on: 7 February 2002, 07:40 »
So when you send a message to [email protected] telling them to go fuck themselves, do they respond with "we already have"?
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