Author Topic: An example of DRM problems  (Read 1207 times)


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An example of DRM problems
« on: 5 October 2003, 07:33 »
Here is a perfect example of how programs with DRM protection will screw up and cause legitimate users problems. This article examines how DRM is used in TurboTax 2002, and how it can roayally f**k someone up on lets say April 14th.,3973,1152025,00.asp

I REALLY hope Adobe makes their new DRM activation flawless or else they're going down.

The other problem with DRM and activation I believe is that it actually gives users MORE to do that if they were to use the pirated versions software. A legitimate user must after installation also use the internet or phone to activate their software, and must do this again if they upgrade their computer. ALso, the software might stop working and not allow you to reactivate if you get a whole new computer altogehter. However, if one is to download a pirated version of something (lets say Windows or Office XP or anything else) the activation features are disabled and the user can just use the software.


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An example of DRM problems
« Reply #1 on: 10 October 2003, 21:05 »
Intuit Apologizes for Activation (slashdot)

Apparently this activation for turbotax pissed off so many customers that not only has Intuit dropped it, they issued a public apology.
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An example of DRM problems
« Reply #2 on: 10 October 2003, 23:15 »
bad freakin' ass.
Go the fuck ~