Author Topic: Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow  (Read 3740 times)


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #1 on: 30 August 2002, 17:56 »
Certainly true. Netscape 7.0 comes with all the features that Mozilla 1.1a already had six months ago.

Again: Netscape is an extraction of Mozilla, combined with AOL Time Warner's corparate s**t.

If your using Netscape, and your worried about switching to Mozilla, than I recommend you do it.
At first you've heard the weird story's about Mozilla being too difficult and not compatible with most websites. But when you try Mozilla you realize that those stories are untrue, and you've should have installed it instead of Netscape.

[ August 30, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #2 on: 30 August 2002, 18:03 »
I prefer IE6, but I do have Mozilla installed for rare occasions when I want to view a website that has IE blocked(like X11's site). Mozilla doesn't have what it takes to switch me from IE but I will say that it is definatley better than Netscape. I won't even install a Netscape browser on my system ever since AOL bought NS. From what I hear NS 7 has more spyware than NS6 did.

That alone is enough to keep me from even trying NS7.


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #3 on: 30 August 2002, 20:56 »
Mozilla kicks ass. I use it all the time, the only reason i use ie is to check my companies web page, to make sure it will open correctly for our clients. other than that, i use mozilla for windows and mac. Love it. i only wish it had mosue gestures like opera.


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #4 on: 31 August 2002, 00:28 »
If u try at Mozilla source codes, what do u see? Netscape original code right? Mozilla is netscape with a dinosaur logo. I once tried downloading a Mozilla theme, and when I started Netscape it got the Mozilla logo too!!!
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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #5 on: 31 August 2002, 00:43 »
They share much of the same code. Mozilla code is turned in to Netscape after heavy mods so you will see features in Mozilla before you will see them in Netscape. Now one big difference is the addition of boatloads of commercial crap and registration annoyances. There are other differences but I don't know why anyone would use Netscape over Mozilla. But then I use neither (Konqueror is my browser of choice) so...


[ August 30, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #6 on: 2 September 2002, 21:07 »
I love Mozilla now! I love how I can neuter cookies and permanantly say no to useless cookies, and say yes to stuff like sign in cookies. Did I fuck up? Just go into the handy cookie manager and modify my site choices.

Plus your susposed to have better speed, better reliability, and more security over IE. Thanks for showing me Mozilla!
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Doctor V

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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #7 on: 4 September 2002, 10:11 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I prefer IE6, but I do have Mozilla installed for rare occasions when I want to view a website that has IE blocked(like X11's site). Mozilla doesn't have what it takes to switch me from IE but I will say that it is definatley better than Netscape. I won't even install a Netscape browser on my system ever since AOL bought NS. From what I hear NS 7 has more spyware than NS6 did.

That alone is enough to keep me from even trying NS7.

If spyware bothers you so much, then by what manifestation of sanity are you using IE?


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #8 on: 4 September 2002, 10:28 »
Originally posted by Doctor V:

If spyware bothers you so much, then by what manifestation of sanity are you using IE?

IE doesn't contain spyware d00d. It is a standalone browser(it doesn't have a bunch of support our finances crap intergrated into the browser like Netscape), plain and simple.      :rolleyes:    
Even MSN Explorer(which has all of the nifty extras like one click mail box access, shopping channel links, etc. that Netscape has) doesn't even have spyware. Netscape is just a fucking joke. What do you expect from a company who sold out to AOL though?. It seems that any company that has been bought out by AOL decide to throw spyware into thier new crap. Why do so many companies sell out to AOL?

I think there should be a site. At least a site like that would have some real dirt on the company they are bashing rather than all of the hersay crap that exists here(like people claiming that IE is spyware even though it isn't).

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #9 on: 4 September 2002, 11:37 »
Zombie you think IE has no spyware because if it did you would feel bad, hence you lie to yourself. I know IE has spyware. I have seen it report crap with packet sniffer's before.

What does IE have that Mozilla doesnt Zombie?

Only a fully compatible browser, with the source as his ally will kill Darth Fences.


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #10 on: 4 September 2002, 11:51 »
Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
Zombie you think IE has no spyware because if it did you would feel bad, hence you lie to yourself. I know IE has spyware. I have seen it report crap with packet sniffer's before.

What does IE have that Mozilla doesnt Zombie?

Only a fully compatible browser, with the source as his ally will kill Darth Fences.

IE doesn't have spyware out of the box. It is easy to obtain spyware cookies and registry entries in IE though because of ad-banners. The ad-banner sites can be blocked if you modify your HOSTS file. Alexa and fastclick are the 2 most common forms of spyware that IE aquires from just surfing the net. The reason why IE is more affected by spyware stuff than Mozilla is because the ad-banner sites code thier shit for the most browser. If Mozilla was the top dawg in the market then the stuff would be designed to be picked up by Mozilla. It isn't IE's fault that all of these websites choose to use ad-banners to bring in revenues.

What does IE have that Mozilla doesn't? Hmmm, maybe support for extra mouse buttons? Extra features on sites(like IE6 can use Chat 2.0(an extra) or standard Java chat in Yahoo chat as opposed to Mozilla only being able to use Java chat) ;P


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #11 on: 4 September 2002, 11:57 »
Ok then, which web site is the first site the browser goes to after install or new user profile?  What does it throw in the "runonce" registry key after installation?  Phone home I tell ya...
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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #12 on: 4 September 2002, 12:42 »
How can runonce phone home if you haven't even setup your internet connection yet? There is no way that it could even use your modem/NIC to phone home if you haven't even installed the drivers for the device yet anyways.


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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #13 on: 4 September 2002, 13:12 »
Here's what Microsoft has to say about it:

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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow
« Reply #14 on: 4 September 2002, 13:21 »
Ohh, I thought you were talking about runonce.exe(what runs the first time Windows boots to setup your Windows configuration). That runonce page is harmless, just click keep current settings and it won't fuck with your system or phone home. I've always had my firewalls installed before I even attempt to get on any browser(IE) included so I can keep track of logs. That page has never caused my firewall to log a connection to Microsoft. The only thing my firewall logs is a connection to (just like it should since I use as my homepage). If IE was phoning home it would connect to a (not server.

Saying IE phones home is just as ridiculous as saying Mozilla phones home to keep track of how many people actually use it.