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Netscape 7.0 Shrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow

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quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
MEncoder really is an excellent and powerful app *if* you can get it set up on your system. I agree it needs a LOT of work as I fought for a couple of hours one day trying to get all the pieces together. When I did I must say it was worth it as it provided exactly the flexibility I needed in creating the movies I needed from still JPEG images (in addition to all the other types of conversion/manipulation that you can do with it).

If they could just get it into the necessary RPMs for each OS they would be about done. Maybe they have that by now, it's been a little while since I last installed it.
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Voidman, I got it working. So if I got it working anyone can get it working.

Tux, you seem to be pretty good at this stuff, you are trying to be funny by selling yourself short.  I guess the only thing I can think of that could be added to MEncoder is a GUI frontend for those who need it (ick). But maybe there is one out there? Or maybe it already has one and I just didn't look. I probably wouldn't have used it if it came with one but I am sure many people would find it useful.

Now there is an idea for a beginner programming project.  All the hard work is already done, it would just be a GUI that performs system calls of all of the MEncoder options. That could get pretty complex as there are many options and ways to pipe things but the tools and hard work still is already done.  Oh and put everything in a nice RPM package for all the popular Linux distros.  

[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

2 seconds on google and look what I found...

I don't want it, somebodey else might...

Wow, that project is only a couple of weeks old!  It's almost like I can see into the past. With talent like that I better stay away from Vegas!


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

IE doesn't have spyware out of the box. It is easy to obtain spyware cookies and registry entries in IE though because of ad-banners. The ad-banner sites can be blocked if you modify your HOSTS file.

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What edit a file in Windows... sory too difficult when i can just do the same in the prefrences for Mozilla.
Alexa and fastclick are the 2 most common forms of spyware that IE aquires from just surfing the net. The reason why IE is more affected by spyware stuff than Mozilla is because the ad-banner sites code thier shit for the most browser.

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And you bag my english... Mozilla is preety spyware proof. And with Mozilla i can add custom code too it.
If Mozilla was the top dawg in the market then the stuff would be designed to be picked up by Mozilla. It isn't IE's fault that all of these websites choose to use ad-banners to bring in revenues.

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Oh sorry, a standard sedan must be better then a BMW because more people own them... I guess i should go buy a GM listen to eminem and use Windows and IE, thanks for elightening me!
What does IE have that Mozilla doesn't? Hmmm, maybe support for extra mouse buttons? Extra

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Has support for my mouse wheel, thats fine... If i get a mouse with more buttons i will get the source and do it myself.
features on sites(like IE6 can use Chat 2.0(an extra) or standard Java chat in Yahoo chat as opposed to Mozilla only being able to use Java chat) ;P
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Ba hahahaha ever heard of IRC!

Oh, i just said what im replying too to my bother
tell him hes a poof

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Your a poof!


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