the last time I programmed using windows (phew ... that's a while ago <http://forum.fuckmicrosoft.com/cgi-bin/wink.gif> ) I also had a look at dev-C++ but found it a little buggy and crash prone. Seeing I wasn't doing windows development anyway (gameboy) I just used ultraedit, which is a nice editor. When I use linux (i.e. 99% of the time) Kate is my editor of choice.
For Winders programming, I favor Borland's C++ compiler and the
FOX Toolkit. FOX works just the same, whether you're writing Linux or Win32 apps. All you have to do is compile on the platform you're going to run on; no need to do any rewrites. Not only that, it's a free download.
I personally favor EMACS or Vim for editing. I had both installed on Winders as well as Linux. Beats the living hell out of Notepad or the Borland editor (neither of which do split windows - most inconvenient to say the least)

Their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws

[ August 31, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]