Miscellaneous > Applications
An interesting little program...
lynx is still great for reading html documentation from a shell. And it can be used in scripts very easily, and has lots of command line parameters that allow you to do things you just can't do with regular browsers. It's obviously not a first choice for your daily web browsing but it works better than anything else for "some" tasks.
I tried lynx the other day and it definitely reminded me of the old Lynx bbs software that I used to use under dos years ago. I don't know if it is by the same person but it is simular.
As to my humble opinion Mozilla kicks ass over every other browser I have tried although I have to say Konqueror is pretty cool. As far Galeon I noticed that it did not like the .org extension also that is one of the reasons I quit using it.
quote:By Robert Vamosi, AnchorDesk.com
Is it time to dump Internet Explorer?
Microsoft's popular Web browser is riddled with security holes -- some of which the software giant has yet to patch. How can you protect yourself?
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click here to read what Mr Vamosi has to say regarding the amazing "M$ integrated desktop" and Internet Explorer
quote:Originally posted by dbl221:
Lynx sucks........thats all I have to say ;)
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Just tell that to a visualy impaired computer user who wants to access the internet without going through the hassle to use IE with speech software ....
quote:Originally posted by Calum:
click here to read what Mr Vamosi has to say regarding the amazing "M$ integrated desktop" and Internet Explorer
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Ya know what bothers me about that article? It didn't seem to bother the author that MSN Messenger is hard coded to give up your contact and email address information to microsoft.com, hotmail.com, and msn.com. To me *that* is worse than the bug/hole. I'm glad I don't use that spyware crap.
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