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This damn IE!
quote:Originally posted by William:
SpeeDFreaK Thank you for your helping me, without having to kiss your ass and say please. Most of the time on the internet people say can someone help me, or I need help not no please help me.
Also Callum or whatever you spell your fuckin name (nickname,screen name, user name) you mind Windows a little bit better by moving off of it. Also callum I suggest that you never EVER try to get a job as a sales person. And also NEVER try to help a newbie again, becuase you obvissly have a HUGE ego.
once again thanks SpeeDFreaK for your help.
William M Gary
p.s. just incase you wanted to know or someone else might need help here is the url for there .iso:w www.lycoris.com/download.
I'm also puting off Linux untill I get like another computer to test it on or something. If I get another computer this old thing will be what I test it on, and yeah I'm on an old dailup connection
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get fucked.
your comments are out of order and your ego is obviously well need of a good overhaul if you seriously believe what you are saying.
You think i should never help someone again just because i didn't want to help your arrogant ass?
i don't give a fuck what you think of my ego quite frankly, and i don't give a fuck if you kiss my ass or not, just don't come over all "holier than thou" about it, because windoids really get wearing very quickly.
Until you made all those nasty comments about me i had nothing against you personally, as i said. Your arrogant attitude really doesn't bode very well for you though.
As i said before, if you are going to be a cunt then you can fuck off, if not then welcome to the board. And i think that's quite charitable since after you going on about how big my ego is.
PS. I think it should be quite obvious how to spell "Calum", you pathetic moron, what's your fucking point?
quote:Originally posted by William:
Also Callum or whatever you spell your fuckin name (nickname,screen name, user name) you mind Windows a little bit better by moving off of it. Also callum I suggest that you never EVER try to get a job as a sales person. And also NEVER try to help a newbie again, becuase you obvissly have a HUGE ego.
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Hey, don't you talk to your superiors that way!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!
Nah, chill the fuck out, you came to an anti-MS site spewing Pro-M$ BS. What did you expect?
Not to mention the fact that Calum can flame the shit out of anyone who even tries to get near him
Have fun using Linux!
i sure can! ;)
go here and look at the posts by Dai and a humanoid, to see how a civil person conducts themselves amongst intelligent individuals.
Dear William,
As you are a member of the Microsoft using population, I respectfully request that you use a spellchecker. This device, handles the troublesome task of spelling words in a proper manner. Doing this simple matter allows you the freedom to blither on, yet, at the same time will prevent awkward misspellings that will take away from your credibility.
On another matter, this little issue of trying out Linux. I do not recommend it. Frankly, your attempts to communicate with our respected members can only make me draw one conclusion, you young lad, are a dipshit. Furthermore, in your ineptness at selecting a proper linux distro, which happened to be, a product by the name "Lindows", only strengthens my claim. If you perhaps, take a second, and glance down at my "SIG", you will notice a few basic rules. I hope I don't need to spell it out for you.
Please, go on your way, no need to return,and "Tah!".
Lord Poster,
Member of the Public
quote:Originally posted by William:
DAMN! I need some help. I want to keep Windows install, and install the other OS how do I do that?. that tutorial only shows you how to remove windows compeply
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Use somthing like fips or partion magic, slim down your Windows partion. And then in the free partion space install Linux. Its very simple, get it and then we will help you install. Okays.
We do want to help everyone get aay from M$. So we will help you and in a year you might be able too be M$ Free.
What do you use your Computer for?
And try Mr Project, it comes with Red-Hat Linux 7.3 its much better.
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