Author Topic: This damn IE!  (Read 4930 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 23 September 2002, 04:15 »
Originally posted by William:
SpeeDFreaK Thank you for your helping me, without having to kiss your ass and say please. Most of the time on the internet people say can someone help me, or I need help not no please help me.

Also Callum or whatever you spell your fuckin name (nickname,screen name, user name) you mind Windows a little bit better by moving off of it. Also callum I suggest that you never EVER try to get a job as a sales person. And also NEVER try to help a newbie again, becuase you obvissly have a HUGE ego.

once again thanks SpeeDFreaK for your help.

William M Gary

p.s. just incase you wanted to know or someone else might need help here is the url for there .iso:w

I'm also puting off Linux untill I get like another computer to test it on or something. If I get another computer this old thing will be what I test it on, and yeah I'm on an old dailup connection

get fucked.

your comments are out of order and your ego is obviously well need of a good overhaul if you seriously believe what you are saying.

You think i should never help someone again just because i didn't want to help your arrogant ass?

i don't give a fuck what you think of my ego quite frankly, and i don't give a fuck if you kiss my ass or not, just don't come over all "holier than thou" about it, because windoids really get wearing very quickly.

Until you made all those nasty comments about me i had nothing against you personally, as i said. Your arrogant attitude really doesn't bode very well for you though.

As i said before, if you are going to be a cunt then you can fuck off, if not then welcome to the board. And i think that's quite charitable since after you going on about how big my ego is.

PS. I think it should be quite obvious how to spell "Calum", you pathetic moron, what's your fucking point?
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« Reply #16 on: 23 September 2002, 04:18 »
Originally posted by William:
Also Callum or whatever you spell your fuckin name (nickname,screen name, user name) you mind Windows a little bit better by moving off of it. Also callum I suggest that you never EVER try to get a job as a sales person. And also NEVER try to help a newbie again, becuase you obvissly have a HUGE ego.

Hey, don't you talk to your superiors that way!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!!

Nah, chill the fuck out, you came to an anti-MS site spewing Pro-M$ BS. What did you expect?

Not to mention the fact that Calum can flame the shit out of anyone who even tries to get near him  

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« Reply #17 on: 23 September 2002, 04:31 »
i sure can!  ;)

go here and look at the posts by Dai and a humanoid, to see how a civil person conducts themselves amongst intelligent individuals.
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« Reply #18 on: 23 September 2002, 05:24 »
Dear William,

    As you are a member of the Microsoft using population, I respectfully request that you use a spellchecker. This device, handles the troublesome task of spelling words in a proper manner. Doing this simple matter allows you the freedom to blither on, yet, at the same time will prevent awkward misspellings that will take away from your credibility.  
     On another matter, this little issue of trying out Linux. I do not recommend it. Frankly, your attempts to communicate with our respected members can only make me draw one conclusion, you young lad, are a dipshit.  Furthermore, in your ineptness at selecting a proper linux distro, which happened to be, a product by the name "Lindows", only strengthens my claim. If you perhaps, take a second, and glance down at my "SIG", you will notice a few basic rules.  I hope I don't need to spell it out for you.
    Please, go on your way, no need to return,and "Tah!".

Lord Poster,

Member of the Public
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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« Reply #19 on: 23 September 2002, 08:58 »
Originally posted by William:
DAMN! I need some help. I want to keep Windows install, and install the other OS how do I do that?. that tutorial only shows you how to remove windows compeply

Use somthing like fips or partion magic, slim down your Windows partion. And then in the free partion space install Linux. Its very simple, get it and then we will help you install. Okays.

We do want to help everyone get aay from M$. So we will help you and in a year you might be able too be M$ Free.

What do you use your Computer for?

And try Mr Project, it comes with Red-Hat Linux 7.3 its much better.


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« Reply #20 on: 23 September 2002, 14:36 »
Hey you guys, relax and chill out a bit   :D   . William, you might have noticed that this is a M$ hate site as implied by its title and I don't think it could get more clear and straightforward than that   ;)   . Hence, everyone in here has a pathological hate for Microsoft, eventhough some of us have to use Windows.  For example, Calum dual boots and uses Windows to connect to the Internet because his Winmodem, and mine as well, does not work under Linux.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean that we are willing to answer any Windows related question. On the contrary, we can provide you with the alternatives should you want to try them out. And there are alternatives out there believe me. So, there's really no need to become agressive. As for the Windows related questions you can try the windowsbbs forums and get an answer there   ;)  

Calum, I know you are one of the oldest members in these forums, counting almost 2.6 thousand replies. You're also a very good an responsible moderator, but sometimes I think that you cross the line (I'm sorry, no insult intended) meaning that you shouldn't fall to the level of people like William etc. You're very intelligent and very fluent in English, unlike other English blokes   ;)   , to start swearing and using bad language. Just ignore them.

Again, no insult intended Calum. As I said I respect you and all and I really find your posts, when not accompanied by hatred statements, very very interesting       .

[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: Pantso ]


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« Reply #21 on: 23 September 2002, 15:01 »
Originally posted by Pantso:
Hey you guys, relax and chill out a bit    :D    . William, you might have noticed that this is a M$ hate site as implied by its title and I don't think it could get more clear and straightforward than that    ;)    . Hence, everyone in here has a pathological hate for Microsoft, eventhough some of us have to use Windows.  For example, Calum dual boots and uses Windows to connect to the Internet because his Winmodem, and mine as well, does not work under Linux.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean that we are willing to answer any Windows related question. On the contrary, we can provide you with the alternatives should you want to try them out. And there are alternatives out there believe me. So, there's really no need to become agressive. As for the Windows related questions you can try the windowsbbs forums and get an answer there    ;)    
well said indeed.

Calum, I know you are one of the oldest members in these forums, counting almost 2.6 thousand replies. You're also a very good an responsible moderator, but sometimes I think that you cross the line
well how long i have been here and how many posts i have doesn't make me any better than anybody else, i'd like to point out, i'm no bully! re: crossing the line, i think all's fair on a site with 'fuck' in its name.  
(I'm sorry, no insult intended) meaning that you shouldn't fall to the level of people like William etc. You're very intelligent and very fluent in English, unlike other English blokes
I'm scottish.  ;)    
 ;)    , to start swearing and using bad language. Just ignore them.
i know, but they get wearing and sometimes i just can't help myself. Again, i wouldn't normally use 'bad' language, but when the site has 'fuck' in the title, well...

Again, no insult intended Calum. As I said I respect you and all and I really find your posts, when not accompanied by hatred statements, very very interesting        .

Well of course i take no offence, your comments are well founded, and i would also like to point out that i do not hate anybody, ergo those 'hate' statements are actually 'irritation/windup' statements. If people choose to be offended, then that's their lookout. i have nothing personal against willllllliam (or however you spell him), but if he chooses to continue being a dick, then i will continue to ridicule and insult his statements. Nothing personal, again what do you expect on a site with 'fuck' in the name?
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« Reply #22 on: 23 September 2002, 15:10 »
Very true Calum and forgive me about the English part. I forgot you were Scottish   ;)  . I like Scottish people and I remember meeting some when I was in England studying. There's really no comparison between Englishmen and Scottish people. Night and day really... You english fellows out there, don't get insulted but Scottish people are really much much nicer than most Englishmen.. Sorry  


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« Reply #23 on: 23 September 2002, 15:18 »
:D  of course it depends on the individual et cetera, but apart from all that i agree with you 100%  ;)
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« Reply #24 on: 23 September 2002, 20:38 »
Originally posted by Pantso:
Very true Calum and forgive me about the English part. I forgot you were Scottish    ;)   . I like Scottish people and I remember meeting some when I was in England studying. There's really no comparison between Englishmen and Scottish people. Night and day really... You english fellows out there, don't get insulted but Scottish people are really much much nicer than most Englishmen.. Sorry    

Watch it punk or you'll get a present from up north!  
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« Reply #25 on: 23 September 2002, 22:25 »
Hey, I believe I'm entitled to my opinion    . Anyway it all depends on the person but generally speaking that's what I think   ;)


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« Reply #26 on: 7 October 2002, 14:44 »
Originally posted by Tux:

Watch it punk or you'll get a present from up north!    

interestingly, the area that the english refer to as 'up north' is actually 'down south' to EVERYBODY in scotland. It's as if the english like to deny even the existence of scotland by defining the north as being outside of scotland...
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« Reply #27 on: 13 November 2002, 00:43 »
If you are using Windows convert to the new JBrowse... this can be DLed at .  This is compatible with ALL forms of HTML and XML and Java/Javascript.  It is definetely the best browser I have ever used.  As for the BSD/UNIX/Linux people, then there are compatibility problems... but JBrowse will hopefully be out for Linux and Mac January.  I am not a part of the JBrowse team (and I never would be, I am a dedicated FreeBSD user), but a friend of mine personally knows this "Josh Bart" (he's Canadian or something) and I constantly hear of devolopment for JBrowse

Get JBrowse


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« Reply #28 on: 13 November 2002, 01:57 »
Originally posted by BSD/UNIX Fanatic:
If you are using Windows convert to the new JBrowse...



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« Reply #29 on: 13 November 2002, 13:32 »
William, if that is your real name.
Good on you for trying linux and all but really this is a site of people who HATE microsoft with a passion. coming on here and saying "yadda yadda yadda, I LOVE MICROSOFT" is never going to get you anywhere on this site.
LindowsOS may seem like a great idea in theory but in reality it isnt. they provide compatibility with windows apps, which may seem totally awesome, but there a programs like VMware which provide much better compatibility and you can run it on a real OS like Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake, and if you need to you can run it on windows.

Also although your on a site with the word fuck in its name can you please try and be a bit more polite and less demanding or whatever. Ask for help instead of expecting it. More often than not someone will help you and more often than not that someone is void main, onya void main.

In conclusion stay right the fuck away from LindowsOS, please...