Miscellaneous > Applications

This damn IE!

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Hey, I believe I'm entitled to my opinion    . Anyway it all depends on the person but generally speaking that's what I think   ;)


quote:Originally posted by Tux:

Watch it punk or you'll get a present from up north!    
--- End quote ---

interestingly, the area that the english refer to as 'up north' is actually 'down south' to EVERYBODY in scotland. It's as if the english like to deny even the existence of scotland by defining the north as being outside of scotland...

If you are using Windows convert to the new JBrowse... this can be DLed at www.joshbart.com/jbrowse .  This is compatible with ALL forms of HTML and XML and Java/Javascript.  It is definetely the best browser I have ever used.  As for the BSD/UNIX/Linux people, then there are compatibility problems... but JBrowse will hopefully be out for Linux and Mac January.  I am not a part of the JBrowse team (and I never would be, I am a dedicated FreeBSD user), but a friend of mine personally knows this "Josh Bart" (he's Canadian or something) and I constantly hear of devolopment for JBrowse

Get JBrowse


quote:Originally posted by BSD/UNIX Fanatic:
If you are using Windows convert to the new JBrowse...

--- End quote ---


William, if that is your real name.
Good on you for trying linux and all but really this is a site of people who HATE microsoft with a passion. coming on here and saying "yadda yadda yadda, I LOVE MICROSOFT" is never going to get you anywhere on this site.
LindowsOS may seem like a great idea in theory but in reality it isnt. they provide compatibility with windows apps, which may seem totally awesome, but there a programs like VMware which provide much better compatibility and you can run it on a real OS like Red Hat, Debian, Mandrake, and if you need to you can run it on windows.

Also although your on a site with the word fuck in its name can you please try and be a bit more polite and less demanding or whatever. Ask for help instead of expecting it. More often than not someone will help you and more often than not that someone is void main, onya void main.

In conclusion stay right the fuck away from LindowsOS, please...


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