Miscellaneous > Applications
This damn IE!
quote:Originally posted by Tux:
It was a lighthearted joke, I didn't but too much thought into it.
And I like scottish people too, also anything further south than Manchester is IMHO way too far south.
--- End quote ---
i agree! took a while for you to bite, hmm? ;)
The Auditor:
I'm from Harrow..
I'm too far south now.. LOL
im in the "great Southern Land"
(it's not that great, believe me)
The Auditor
The Auditor:
im just confused.. Im Enlgish and Scottish, does that mean i can't spel like william?
For the sake of arguement, and the fun derived from it, who seriously cares if William likes windows?
but on a serious note.. if you wanna try windows.. use Mandrake 9 on a "im a dumbarse" install, the install type that a monkey with aixelsyd could install.
Once you get to know linux, and you have formatted your Windows partition, and found a DVD codec for Linux etc etc, then you can reinstall.. and set it all up yourself in the "I am a Linux User" mode.
The Auditor
Calum... can i have Williams IP? please??
*grins evilly and starts opening terminals and writing more programs.*
I hate windows.
Doctor V:
True MES advice:
Hey NightShift, and welcome to the MES forums. IE does have some inherent flaws, some, but not all can be fixed by keeping you MS software up to date, all the patches and latest verions and stuff. However, those same updates that fix bugs tend to bring more, and they may even have licence agreements that ask you to let Microsoft have even more control of your computer. Opera and Mozilla are 2 very powerful and fast web browsers that have fewer flaws than IE and do perform better. There are also no restrictive licence agreements. I highly suggest that you try one. However, IE is highly integrated in windows, and may still cause problems. There is a total solution. And that is scrapping windows. There are suitable alternatives. Linux is one, and its free. You lose nothing by trying it. Maybe that was not what you were planning to do, but most people who have tried linux out have had a very good experience. After trying it out, I have stopped using windows. There is nothing stopping you. No more crashes, spying, or restrictive agreements.
The Auditor:
Well said..
a very nice summary of the posts to date.
Also.. not only one thing.. somet hing for linux may take a bit of getting used to.. or perhaps you will need to find some software to make certain things work, but things are very nice over here on Linux..
if your not a heavy gamer you shouldn't have a problem.
Linux is worth a try.. even if you do go back.. Though i doubt you will.
The Auditor
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