Author Topic: This damn IE!  (Read 4932 times)


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This damn IE!
« Reply #30 on: 13 November 2002, 16:55 »
Hi all!
As you can probably tell by my email address we share some things in common. I am realatively new to computers, but know when you have an OS which keeps crashing etc, there is something wrong.
In keeping with the topic I have an interesting problem with IE. I have replaced it with Netscape and although I have uninstalled it I am getting error messages that IE has cased an error etc., etc,. etc. Now I realize that this site isn't here for the sole purpose of answering random questions etc., but any help in solving this would be appreciated.

The Auditor

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This damn IE!
« Reply #31 on: 13 November 2002, 18:23 »
Ok, Netscrape is spyware essentially..
Kill it.

if you wnat something like that get Opera.
as far as IE goes, download and install IE6.. then see if it goes away.
also.. have a nose about the site, and see if you can find any details about security updates or patches for it.

that should, theoretically, solve the problem... However, we are talking about Windows here..
The only surefire way of fixing that problem is to format.  
Don't try that one first though.  

The Auditor
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This damn IE!
« Reply #32 on: 13 November 2002, 18:39 »
Originally posted by The Auditor:
as far as IE goes, download and install IE6.. then see if it goes away.
not the best advice. download mozilla and see if it 'goes away'. My favourite browser is Galeon, but i think there may be some slight problems with it on windows...
However, we are talking about Windows here..
The only surefire way of fixing that problem is to format.    
Don't try that one first though.    

No do try that first, i urge you.

Honestly. Get mozilla, opera and phoenix, and don't bother with any netscape or internet exploder 'upgrades'.
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The Auditor

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« Reply #33 on: 13 November 2002, 19:08 »
LOL.. im afraid i have to agree..
However.. the only way to get rid of those IE errors is to reinstall the bugger.
but hten use Opera.. or something of that nature..

To my knowledge there isn't a version of Galleon that works in Winblows..
If there was i would be using it..

Personally i think my favourites are Opera and Konqueror (linux)

The Auditor
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This damn IE!
« Reply #34 on: 13 November 2002, 22:20 »
Originally posted by Calum:

interestingly, the area that the english refer to as 'up north' is actually 'down south' to EVERYBODY in scotland. It's as if the english like to deny even the existence of scotland by defining the north as being outside of scotland...

It was a lighthearted joke, I didn't but too much thought into it.
And I like scottish people too, also anything further south than Manchester is IMHO way too far south.  
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« Reply #35 on: 13 November 2002, 22:33 »
Originally posted by Tux:

It was a lighthearted joke, I didn't but too much thought into it.
And I like scottish people too, also anything further south than Manchester is IMHO way too far south.    

i agree! took a while for you to bite, hmm?  ;)
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The Auditor

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« Reply #36 on: 14 November 2002, 05:10 »
I'm from Harrow..
I'm too far south now.. LOL
im in the "great Southern Land"
(it's not that great, believe me)

The Auditor
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This damn IE!
« Reply #37 on: 14 November 2002, 05:21 »
im just confused.. Im Enlgish and Scottish, does that mean i can't spel like william?

For the sake of arguement, and the fun derived from it, who seriously cares if William likes windows?

but on a serious note.. if you wanna try windows.. use Mandrake 9 on a "im a dumbarse" install, the install type that a monkey with aixelsyd could install.

Once you get to know linux, and you have formatted your Windows partition, and found a DVD codec for Linux etc etc, then you can reinstall.. and set it all up yourself in the "I am a Linux User" mode.

The Auditor

Calum... can i have Williams IP? please??
*grins evilly and starts opening terminals and writing more programs.*

I hate windows.
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This damn IE!
« Reply #38 on: 14 November 2002, 05:59 »
True MES advice:

Hey NightShift, and welcome to the MES forums.  IE does have some inherent flaws, some, but not all can be fixed by keeping you MS software up to date, all the patches and latest verions and stuff.  However, those same updates that fix bugs tend to bring more, and they may even have licence agreements that ask you to let Microsoft have even more control of your computer.  Opera and Mozilla are 2 very powerful and fast web browsers that have fewer flaws than IE and do perform better.  There are also no restrictive licence agreements.  I highly suggest that you try one.  However, IE is highly integrated in windows, and may still cause problems.  There is a total solution.  And that is scrapping windows.  There are suitable alternatives.  Linux is one, and its free.  You lose nothing by trying it.  Maybe that was not what you were planning to do, but most people who have tried linux out have had a very good experience.  After trying it out, I have stopped using windows.  There is nothing stopping you.  No more crashes, spying, or restrictive agreements.


The Auditor

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This damn IE!
« Reply #39 on: 14 November 2002, 08:00 »
Well said..
a very nice summary of the posts to date.  

Also.. not only one thing.. somet hing for linux may take a bit of getting used to.. or perhaps you will need to find some software to make certain things work, but things are very nice over here on Linux..
if your not a heavy gamer you shouldn't have a problem.
Linux is worth a try.. even if you do go back.. Though i doubt you will.

The Auditor
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This damn IE!
« Reply #40 on: 14 November 2002, 15:51 »
Hey, thanks for the responses!
Just a few quick replies:

The Auditor:
I switched to Netscape after reading the article by The Riddler (Really Hidden Files!) How is Netscape spyware? Does it behave the same as IE in the background? I'll d/l and then uninstall IE6, perhaps this will solve the error messages (it just makes me feel so....soiled, that's all). Edit: After re-reading your post I think you meant for me to install IE but just don't use it. Being somewhat paranoid about almost anything MS puts out; do I need to worry what IE will be doing in the background while I am onlie with another browswer? Thoughts on this?
Re the format: Yeah, that's low on the list right now.

I'll try Mozilla after I've gotten rid of IE. Interestingly enough, there is a folder named Mozilla in Windows\Application Data. That is where my browser cache from Netscape ends up.
Re the format: Try it first? Ya think?  

Thanks for the informative post. After going over the info in the others I'm begining to think that IE has to remain a part of Windows even if I'm not using it. Re scrapping Windows: I've been concidering that  almost since day one. I bought my system used and it has Windows ME as the OS (feel sorry for me), I have concidered Linux; but still need to educate myself more about installing, configuring etc. This site and the forum seem like a good place to start. Lotsa info here!

Any input on Macintosh?

Thanks again for the input.


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This damn IE!
« Reply #41 on: 14 November 2002, 16:17 »
Triple Post!
Sorry!  :eek:

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshift ]


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« Reply #42 on: 14 November 2002, 16:27 »
re: your mozilla data, yes newer versions of netscape are based on mozilla. They are made by AOL, and the extra development and marketing is funded by including some spyware code, as far as i hear. i think this is similar to the realplayer thing where people's browsing habits get sent back. You might be able to sort this out via your firewall but i'm not sure. anyway, mozilla doesn't have any of that crap.

as for getting rid of IE, it is a waste of time trying to install a newer version and then uninstall it. Microsoft does not make an uninstaller for IE, and they do not officially admit that it can be uninstalled. here is a third party application which i used to use on my WinME set up to remove IE, and it works very well. The system is a bit unstable after you have uninstalled IE *HOWEVER* i have never been able to say for certain that it is ANY more unstable than it was beforehand anyway.

honestly the solution is to get linux now. the only way you'll get knowledge is from direct experience. You can get Mandrake Linux 9.0 Standard Edition for US$30 with 30 days of support and a 35 page quick installation guide included, and i promise it is so easy to install that a cuddly toy could do it. Why waste time with windows?

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: [calum@localhost]$ ]

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This damn IE!
« Reply #43 on: 14 November 2002, 16:36 »
Triple Post!
Not only embarrassing, but proof of Newbiehood!
(see, everything is useful in some way)

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshift ]

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshift ]


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This damn IE!
« Reply #44 on: 14 November 2002, 17:01 »
Originally posted by [calum@localhost]$:
......the extra development and marketing is funded by including some spyware code, as far as i hear. i think this is similar to the realplayer thing where people's browsing habits get sent back. You might be able to sort this out via your firewall but i'm not sure. anyway, mozilla doesn't have any of that crap.

I'm using LavaSoft Ad-Aware to check for spyware on my system. It says I'm clean, but who really knows...

as for getting rid of IE, it is a waste of time trying to install a newer version and then uninstall it. Microsoft does not make an uninstaller for IE, and they do not officially admit that it can be uninstalled. here is a third party application which i used to use on my WinME set up to remove IE, and it works very well. The system is a bit unstable after you have uninstalled IE *HOWEVER* i have never been able to say for certain that it is ANY more unstable than it was beforehand anyway.

Think I'll just leave IE where it is, don't think I could stand it if this OS was anymore unstable

honestly the solution is to get linux now. the only way you'll get knowledge is from direct experience. You can get Mandrake Linux 9.0 Standard Edition for US$30 with 30 days of support and a 35 page quick installation guide included, and i promise it is so easy to install that a cuddly toy could do it. Why waste time with windows?

Great! I still have my old Teddy Bear. (knew i was keeping him for something)    

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: [calum@localhost]$ ]

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshift because he didn't get it right the first four times!]

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: Nightshift ]