Miscellaneous > Applications

This damn IE!

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I will like to think everyone for there comments to my post. some I did not like some i liked.

Can someone point me to a tutorial or something on how to  dual boot Windows (safely) so that I test out www.lycoris.com. That would help out alot!

William M Gary

never mind. I find a Tutorial. If you was planning on helping me Thanks anyways.

William M Gary

We "was" planning on helping you. We told you to get rid of Windows.  That's the best help anyone could possibly get.

DAMN! I need some help. I want to keep Windows install, and install the other OS how do I do that?. that tutorial only shows you how to remove windows compeply

"I need some help" does not cut it.

i don't give a damn whether you like what i have to say, void main is right. you will get all the help you want here if you behave in  civil fashion.

It just so happens that it's easy as pish to set up a dual boot system, if it had the mandrake CDs, a blind crippled illitirate mouse with a brain defect could do it with one claw tied behind its back!

I could post some links but since you demanded help rather than asking for it i will assume you would rather find stuff out for yourself, well good luck!

and congratulations on deciding to try linux by the way, it will be frustrating however stick at it and it will all be worthwhile, i promise.


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