Author Topic: shdoclc.dll  (Read 1279 times)


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« on: 3 August 2002, 06:39 »
ok; a friend of mine happened across an ilegal porn site in IE (Windows Mill. Ed.); it asked him if it was ok to download a program and run int; he clicked "no".  Ever since then, his home page is set to the site; changing the registry and resetting all the homepage values does nothing; the home page gets reset to the illegal site upon reboot.

He had a relative of his look at it after i did; he changed the registry (and didn't make a backup), downloaded and installed "tweekme", did a few other things (of which i have forgotten), etc etc.  still nothing (unless you count the fact that tweekme broke IE and he had to completely uninstall IE and reinstall it to browse files -- how brain dead is it again to make the browser part of the kernel?????).  The site i no longer operational, so IE throws an error when started.  When i clicked on something (can't remember what) to show the properties of the link in the location bar, the location changed to something like "res://shdoclc.dll/something/homepage" and said that it couldn't be found.  I looked at the file shdoclc.dll, and lo and behold it had a different internal name....  google search on the file returned a slew of sites that said that the file is used by IE to store default pages (thew home page, the "about:blank" page, the search page, etc etc" and gave many examples on how to change those defaults by editing the file....

is it likely that the site executed a vbscript that replaced this file?  is this file availible for download?

incedently, he won't let me touch the system again to find out; his wife has thousands of digital pictures (no hardcopies, no backups) and was extreemly irate about the possibility of losing them all when IE broke....

i wish i could get him to switch to linux, but he only uses the pute to browse the internet every morning when he wakes up..... and of course, the whole compatibility with Wife 1.0 thingy.... (i have the same problem).....


from Attrition.Org
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« Reply #1 on: 14 August 2002, 00:14 »
Ok, there are a few things he will need to do.
First of all download Ad-Aware ( - geez it sounds like I'm advertising for them :/ - run the program and have it remove all the spyware.
There are some embedded scripts that get so deep into your registry that it's almost impossible to remove them without breaking the ability to connect to the web, something with the tcp/ip stacks if I remember correctly.
However if they can be removed Ad-Aware will take care of it.
Secondly, tell him that IE is evil and he can't touch it anymore, let him download Mozilla or Opera, they're better and faster browsers.
And I can't see why she would lose all of her digital pictures even if IE is broken.
Chances are that IE is set as default app for viewing jpegs, same as above, lose IE and get a decent app for viewing pics, like ACDSee or Irfanview.

Hope this helped.
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« Reply #2 on: 14 August 2002, 00:37 »
gimp for windows isnt bad too
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« Reply #3 on: 14 August 2002, 00:41 »
Yeah, I thought of that too but I used the Windows version before and it crashes a lot, compared to the Linux version that still didn't crash once!
Wow, what a surprise isn't it?    
And The Gimp would be kind of a heavy app just to watch some pics, I liked Irfanview a lot when I was using Windoze, too bad it doesn't exist for Linux
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« Reply #4 on: 14 August 2002, 06:52 »
the chances of me touching his pute is slim to none due to his wife -- and ie didn't lose the pics; ie just refused to display anything.  files, folders, web pages, you name it.  they were all there, but since everything is dependand upon the embeded ie code, nothing could be 'browsed' to.  (even "find" uses ie code to display results.)  got it?  we just  thought for a moment that we had lost them until we used the open-file dialog in PSP7 and could get to them that way.  but he told his wife that we almost "lost all the files" and she thought we had erased them.  Of all computer compatiblity problems, Wife 1.0 seems to have the most problems with computer stuff.  and 2.0, 3.0, etc.  I think there's a bug in the Wife-O/S logic that can't be repaired without breaking the system... hehe.  Did i tell you that I gave my wife a tour of the iunside of the PC once, and the only thing she remembered was the DOM and SLAVE Sluts (think ide).  So we have a standing agreement -- I won't try to teach her computers, and she won't try to teach me poetry (the meaning of tori amos songs at the top of the list!).

hmmm.... i seem to have strayed off topic.

thanks for the info tho; if i do get the chance, i'll have to check it out.
from Attrition.Org
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