Miscellaneous > Applications
Alternative to Windows Media Player
Maybe we missed the point here, but what are you trying to play with alternative players? If it's the new-standard WinMedia, it won't play on anything but WMP (though VLC's developers are working on support for it). If you're looking for pop-ups, then yes, they lack that "feature." :D
EDIT: If you're referring to the "news" feature that phones home every time you open it, then yes - they lack that. I'd think you'd use your favorite news site for that, though, not some software that tries to be everything to everybody and fails. If you're referring to the burner... *ahem* WHY are you using a player that actively utilizes DRM in its own media? Aren't you the LEAST bit concerned that it's passing those on in every CD you burn? There's a reason why people use MP3s and Ogg-Vorbis, ya know. ;)
[ August 18, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate/BOB ]
I use media player classic + real alternative
it will play anything there is a codec for.
which rocks
Canadian Lover:
this should be moved to applications.
+10 CoolPoints(TM) to the first mod that moves this to Applications.
And where exactly are these cool points redeemable?
Winamp is your best option.
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