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Have you ever bought MS software?

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quote:Originally posted by Siplus: linux advocate:

ok, untill i just bought my new laptop w/ winxp on it (which i wiped), i didn't buy anything from ms. all of my desktop computers have been built from scrap peices that i put together myself, and w/ no need to have windows
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might i add: www.windowsrefund.net


Never payed for a piece of M$ shit.  Then again, I'm running Win2k Adv. Server; so u do the math ;)

It's really not worth my money.  Come to think about it, I don't think I have ever seen a shrink wrapped copy of windoze.

i had the pleasure of throwing almost two dozen Compaq OEM unopened copies of windows xp and 2000 in  the bin the other day. sadly it was only because the windows 20000 at work here gets installed via the network so they don't need the install media  :(


quote:Originally posted by SAJChurchey:

Never payed for a piece of M$ shit.  Then again, I'm running Win2k Adv. Server; so u do the math ;)

It's really not worth my money.  Come to think about it, I don't think I have ever seen a shrink wrapped copy of windoze.
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So.. are you saying you like to run shit on your computer?

[ February 19, 2003: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]


quote: Yea im in m0rs position, build my own. Say mac people? Can you build a mac as easy as a PC? didnt think so.

Of cource PC's really suck, because of there brand diversity, theres nothing worse then 6 million brands of broken hardware because they have to make it really cheap to compete.
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i have never had a computer work as flawlessly as my mac. so i really dont care to build my own, it already works great. i do like the ability to build a pc from cheap parts, but thats the problem, they are cheap parts. now, i could spend the money and get quality parts, but i would spend just as much money on a mac. so why bother?


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