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Have you ever bought MS software?
quote:Originally posted by The Knife Thrower:
Have you ever bought MS software? I'm not talking about the copy of microsoft works you got with your new PC.
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I had (or my mother) bought Microsoft Office XP "for Students and Teachers" other than that no. Works good if didn't crash so often. Other than that none. But if you REALLY want one - then just get it of KaZaA - FREE! That's the way to show Microsoft some Respect!!!!!!!
quote:Originally posted by Steven the Microsoft Hater:
I had (or my mother) bought Microsoft Office XP "for Students and Teachers" other than that no. Works good if didn't crash so often. Other than that none. But if you REALLY want one - then just get it of KaZaA - FREE! That's the way to show Microsoft some Respect!!!!!!!
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No. It's just as bad. You'll be spreading MS around anyway.
how do you spread a monopoly around...
dont use kazaa, use http://getnewos.cjb.net
quote:Originally posted by Steven the Microsoft Hater:
I had (or my mother) bought Microsoft Office XP "for Students and Teachers" other than that no. Works good if didn't crash so often. Other than that none. But if you REALLY want one - then just get it of KaZaA - FREE! That's the way to show Microsoft some Respect!!!!!!!
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That's even worse and eventhough it looks like a paradox, you're helping M$ spread! Use OpenOffice instead!
quote:Originally posted by Steven the Microsoft Hater:
I had (or my mother) bought Microsoft Office XP "for Students and Teachers" other than that no. Works good if didn't crash so often. Other than that none. But if you REALLY want one - then just get it of KaZaA - FREE! That's the way to show Microsoft some Respect!!!!!!!
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Brilliant idea. That shows some real smarts.
First off what you profess is illegal. Do I care yes, because due to stupid and pointless acts like this the RIAA and other fasict type groups can leverage support for their stupid control freak ideas, aimed at the removal of MY freedoms, because the people they represent loose money because of the jerkoffs and pricks that use Kazaa and other bullshit, that is totally innecessary.
Second. This idea perpetuates the monopoly of M$. Because some stupid twats decide to download M$ Windows XP, or M$ office they keep people in their relentless and unnecessary upgrade cycle. You download it, and then produce files with it, and then someone else thinks they have to use it, and often do because of the closed source proprietary nature of the software, and buy a copy. There is no reason I can see for using M$ software.
Pirating it does not solve the problem and anyone who advocates it is a supporter of M$. There are many threads already raised on this topic. There is no reason to use M$ and no reason at all to pirate their inferior software.
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