Author Topic: Have you ever bought MS software?  (Read 4641 times)


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #45 on: 15 March 2003, 11:10 »
I confess... I bought Win 98 SE full OEM from ebay after I assembled my first computer from scratch. Why? A few reasons.

1) Wife had a Pentium 100 Packard Hell with Win 95 pre-installed. Buggy piece of shit. Wanted to upgrade. She's not computer literate, and is familiar with the interface. So, I put 98 there, and it does run better.

2) On my new screaming AMD 1900+, I want to play video games (occasionally) that are not available for my PS2.

3) My screamer has Linux on a 2nd partition. But had problems installing, namely kernel panic! Linux didn't like the Highpoint RAID controller on my mobo. Now, It didn't come right out and say this. After searching on googlegroups, I found an answer. Disable the controller in the BIOS. I tried, and it worked. Then my floppy wasn't recognized. Another search revealed that I needed to modify LILO. Then it worked perfectly. Point being... I couldn't access the web on my new machine directly (no modem) or indirectly through LAN without running some flavor of WIN. Linux runs horribly slow (with GUI which is how I prefer to surf the web) on the Packard Hell, whose modem isn't compatible with Linux anyway.

Moral of the story, sometimes it is, echh... "convenient" to run M$, even if it's only temporary. I haven't (nor do I plan to) purchase anymore MShit. I use the 602 office suite, and plan to move to open office. I've also recently learned TEX/LATEX, and LOVE IT. UBER-COOL.

As for internet, I have DSL now, and another Packard Bell that I just dropped two NIC's into, and am very soon going to convert to a Linux Router for my little LAN.


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #46 on: 15 March 2003, 16:46 »
At least get Windows 2000 or XP, they are much better with games, XP has a better graphics inteface. Not that I use either, I use RH 8.0, but when I have a copy of Dropline Gnome, i will be a slackass once again.


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #47 on: 18 March 2003, 01:48 »
I've never bought M$ software, but they probably got a few pounds of me from the two controllers and two games I bought for my Xblock that were new (secondhand everything else).

I was given a legit copy of Win 2K which I use, and my computer came with WinMe, GRR!

To the person that said it's not necessary to use M$'s shitty software. Well, in theory yes, but I need to use various multimedia progs and I can't afford to upgrade and maintaain a Mac, so I have to use a PC, and I can't run PhotoShop and Flash on BeOS now can I?
Piracy can sometimes be the only anti-M$ statement a person can make in certain situations. I've had to use PowerPoint at uni, but since there is no proper alternative that fully supports PowerPoint files, piracy kept me away from actually buying the damn thing, well, that and the fact that it's shit and not worth my money anyway.
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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #48 on: 28 April 2003, 23:02 »
Originally posted by Panos:

If you put it that way, then yes. Just about every person in these forums has bought Microsoft products willingly or not. I thought that the guy who posted this topic, was talking about extra M$ software.

tbh, more people should build their on PCs ;D
(or buy linux pre-installed PCs of course  :D )
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A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.

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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #49 on: 29 April 2003, 02:26 »
Originally posted by BaDDaSS[Mandrake]:

tbh, more people should build their on PCs ;D
(or buy linux pre-installed PCs of course   :D  )

Did you mean 'own'?  


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #50 on: 10 May 2003, 16:09 »
Tragically, I have bought all my M$ software since Win 3.1.

Fortunately, I found Linux RH 6.1 a few years back and I am turning the corner on data / apps migration with RH 8.0.


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #51 on: 10 May 2003, 16:24 »
To read about how some guy "nuked" his copy of M$ software in the microwave.

This is what I live for.


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #52 on: 20 May 2003, 00:09 »
lets see here: NO

almost every MS program/pOS that i have is burned:
MS-DOS (any version): downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 1.01: downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 3.1: downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 3.11: downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 95: downloaded and put iso on cd
Windows 98 (2 copies): never gave back to friend,                      came with computer
Windows 98SE: came with computer
Windows ME: downloaded and put iso on cd
Windows 2000: downloaded and put iso on cd
MS Office 97: download and put iso on cd
MS Office 2000: download and put iso on cd
MS Flight Sim 2002: won at a contest friend put me in

well....i think thats you can see, M$ is out a few thousand, but i doubt they care.

By the way, all of this was done pre-linux and i dont even know why i have all these pOSs.  Now all of my computers are pure linux! yay for me!
so to answer the question: Have you ever bought MS software?...odviously NO!!

let me add that this computer was purchased second and so i didnt even pay for 98 or 98se

[ May 19, 2003: Message edited by: ArmTheHomeless ]

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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #53 on: 21 May 2003, 19:27 »
I am proud to say that I have never bought MS software not even when I bought my PC (i have no Recovery discs). And I plan to keep it that way  


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #54 on: 22 May 2003, 08:03 »
Never ever and forever  :D
I do use MustDie XP but
1. it's counterfeit
2. I took it from a friend who took it from his friend who took it from his friend's friend who took it from ... (and so on)  
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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #55 on: 24 May 2003, 21:56 »
Aside from Windows ME on my computer when I got it, I have never and will never buy a software product from Microsoft.  If I REALLY need something, I'll just burn it or something.  Nothing MS ever produced is worth what they charge for it, and all it is is crap.  Linux (or any alternative) should be more advertised and more people should use it.  Whine-doze 2000 is a huge improvement from ME though. Thank God for that.
Whine-doze = bad & evil. Its as simple as that.


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Have you ever bought MS software?
« Reply #56 on: 24 May 2003, 18:03 »
my list :

I bought Windows 98  when i was foolish and did not know how evil M$ was.

Bought Computer with win me installed.

Free :

One of my frends came back from a trip from sinapore and brought back XP Pro Corp edition.

and i burned a copy of it.

What i use Right now .

Red Hat on my Work computer.

Xp pro on my gameing Computer.

I now pass on linux and open office now to all i meet  ;)