Miscellaneous > Applications

Have you ever bought MS software?

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Tragically, I have bought all my M$ software since Win 3.1.

Fortunately, I found Linux RH 6.1 a few years back and I am turning the corner on data / apps migration with RH 8.0.

To read about how some guy "nuked" his copy of M$ software in the microwave.

This is what I live for.

lets see here: NO

almost every MS program/pOS that i have is burned:
MS-DOS (any version): downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 1.01: downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 3.1: downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 3.11: downloaded and put on floppies
Windows 95: downloaded and put iso on cd
Windows 98 (2 copies): never gave back to friend,                      came with computer
Windows 98SE: came with computer
Windows ME: downloaded and put iso on cd
Windows 2000: downloaded and put iso on cd
MS Office 97: download and put iso on cd
MS Office 2000: download and put iso on cd
MS Flight Sim 2002: won at a contest friend put me in

well....i think thats it...as you can see, M$ is out a few thousand, but i doubt they care.

By the way, all of this was done pre-linux and i dont even know why i have all these pOSs.  Now all of my computers are pure linux! yay for me!
so to answer the question: Have you ever bought MS software?...odviously NO!!

let me add that this computer was purchased second and so i didnt even pay for 98 or 98se

[ May 19, 2003: Message edited by: ArmTheHomeless ]

I am proud to say that I have never bought MS software not even when I bought my PC (i have no Recovery discs). And I plan to keep it that way  

Never ever and forever  :D
I do use MustDie XP but
1. it's counterfeit
2. I took it from a friend who took it from his friend who took it from his friend's friend who took it from ... (and so on)  


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